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Shape your future with data and analytics with azure Synapse analytics

Over the years, we have had a front-row seat to digital transformation occurring across all industries and regions around the world. And in 2020, we’ve seen that digitally transformed organizations have successfully adapted to sudden disruptions.

To harness the power of data, first we need to break down data silos. While not a new concept, achieving this has been a constant challenge in the history of data and analytics as its ecosystem continues to be complex and heterogeneous. We must expand beyond the traditional view that data silos are the core of the problem. The truth is, too many businesses also have silos of skills and silos of technologies, not just silos of data. And, this must be addressed holistically.

For decades, specialized technologies like data warehouses and data lakes have helped us collect and analyze data of all sizes and formats. But in doing so, they often created niches of expertise and specialized technology in the process. This is the paradox of analytics: the more we apply new technology to integrate and analyze data, the more silos we can create.

To break this cycle, a new approach is needed. Organizations must break down allsilos to achieve analytical power and predictive power, in a unified, secure, and compliant manner. Your organizational success over the next decade will increasingly depend on your ability to accomplish this goal.

This is why we stepped back and took a new approach to analytics in Azure. We rearchitected our operational and analytics data stores to take full advantage of a new, cloud-native architecture. This fundamental shift, while maintaining consistent tools and languages, is what enables the long-held silos to be eliminated across skills, technology, and data. At the core of this is Azure Synapse Analytics—a limitless analytics service that brings together data integration, enterprise data warehousing, and Big Data analytics into a single service offering unmatched time to insights. With Azure Synapse, organizations can run the full gamut of analytics projects and put data to work much more quickly, productively, and securely, generating insights from all data sources. And, importantly, Azure Synapse combines capabilities spanning the needs of data engineering, machine learning, and BI without creating silos in processes and tools. Customers such as Walgreens, Myntra, and P&G have achieved tremendous success with Azure Synapse, and today we move to the global generally availability, so every customer can now get access.

Source: Shape your future with data and analytics