Top 8 Open Source DEVOPS Tools in 2022 of 2022

This list is about the Top 8 Open Source DEVOPS Tools in 2022. We will try our best so that you understand this list Top 8 Open Source DEVOPS Tools in 2022. I hope you like this list Top 8 Open Source DEVOPS Tools in 2022. So lets begin:

About the Top 8 Open Source DEVOPS Tools in 2022

DevOps plays an important role in providing build, test, and release automation to project teams, now commonly known as continuous integration, continuous testing, and continuous delivery. The ideal DevOps tools can mean the difference between making rapid progress and getting stuck in an endless cycle of setbacks and delays. This connects the tools used by DevOps teams and aligns DevOps with any other system or application. DevOps is a practice, not a tool, but tools are required to implement it. Breaking down communication barriers and creating transparency and trust between all teams involved in software and technology delivery is a challenge.

The right tools ensure the seamless, open, and scalable integration and automation that functional teams require. And what’s important for effective teamwork is the right integration platform to connect all your software tools. While using the right DevOps tools can make the difference between rapid progress and a never-ending cycle of setbacks and delays, there’s another element that’s critical to successful teamwork: the right integration platform to connect all of your tools. of software. That means connecting all the tools your DevOps teams use, but also aligning DevOps with all your other systems and applications.

Here is the list of the best open source DEVOPS tools


Kubernetes is an open source system from Google that deals with containers on a large scale and attempts further containerization. The tool helps organize containerized applications into logical elements to easily discover and manage, scale, and deploy automation.

It schedules workloads across compute cluster nodes and actively manages them to ensure their health matches user intent. Kubernetes is a container-centric platform that can be run in internal data centers and in the public cloud. It is not only a platform that runs Docker containers, but also a very efficient network and application orchestrator.


Jira Software is a software development tool used by agile teams and supports any agile methodology, be it scrum, Kanban, or a team’s unique style. From agile dashboards to reports, users can plan, track, and manage agile software development projects from a single tool, helping teams release higher-quality software, faster.

The magic dashboard is the best part of this platform that has all the information in one place. You can create your multiple custom boards per project. It is easy to use for basic functions and very customizable. Integration with all version control is really helpful as a developer like Bitbucket, GitHub, Stash, etc. As our scrum/kanban flow manager it helps us organize and track all our tasks in one action because Jira is a cloud-based platform.


The tool also has the potential to increase productivity. Ansible enables developers to automate IT operations and the entire application lifecycle effortlessly. Ansible has several modules that help with the development of various applications. Helps to avoid or eliminate complications at all stages. The platform includes the necessary tools to implement automation across the enterprise and can automate the provisioning of resources, IT environments, and the configuration of systems and devices.

Ansible is another open source DevOps tool used for configuration management and deployment automation, developed by Red Hat. It enables working with infrastructure as code (IaC), which is one of the key DevOps trends for the year, and helps reduce the time it takes to set up CI/CD pipelines by automating them. It’s similar to Puppet and Chef, but uses simple Yet Another Markup Language (YAML) syntax to make things even simpler.


Slack is not a DevOps tool; it is used by all kinds of teams and businesses around the world, and is one of the most popular tools for remote work, allowing teams to communicate efficiently and not get lost in endless email threads. As a DevOps tool, it is used by teams for real-time communication, and it also integrates with many other DevOps tools, helping teams make faster progress toward common goals.

Slack also creates a livelier environment than many other business communication apps, and the ability to customize your app to a fine degree is a huge selling point. Slack is one of the best team messaging apps. Customizing alerts helps make Slack more useful. Muting alerts for channels that are not critical to your work also helps. Fortunately, Slack allows you to enable and disable notifications to a great extent. A Do Not Disturb (DND) option, for example, allows you to silence all notifications during certain times of the day, such as when you’re asleep.


Nagios Core is the open source monitoring engine that serves as the core application around which hundreds of Nagios projects are built. It is designed to provide a central view of a company’s entire IT operations network and business processes. Multi-user access to the web interface allows stakeholders to view the status of the relevant infrastructure.

Nagios provides monitoring of all mission-critical infrastructure components, including applications, services, operating systems, network protocols, system metrics, and network infrastructure. Thousands of community-developed plugins extend native monitoring and alerting functionality. User-specific views ensure that clients only see the infrastructure components for which they are authorized.


Jenkins is an open source automation server. Jenkins provides hundreds of plugins to support the creation, deployment, and automation of any project. As an extensible automation server, Jenkins can be used as a simple CI server or become a continuous delivery hub for any project.

Jenkins is an automation server. It helps many projects in automation, construction and implementation. It has a vast ecosystem of plugins, which allows you to integrate it with many other DevOps tools, such as Docker, Puppet, Perforce, Apache Ant, Apache Maven, different AWS services, Git, and more.


GitHub is a web-based Git repository hosting service that extends Git’s distributed version control and source code management capabilities. Also, as a result, it is widely considered to be one of the most effective DevOps tools. GitHub’s automation capabilities make life easier for a DevOps engineer.

It allows developers to quickly iterate through code and perform instant rollbacks on failure. It provides robust collaboration features such as continuous integration, task management, bug tracking, and new feature requests. GitHub projects and issues allow for better collaboration within the same application where code is present alongside GitHub discussions.


Terraform is an open source infrastructure-as-code software tool that enables the management of hundreds of cloud services through a consistent CLI workflow.

Variables can be created to make templates generic so they can be reused for different environments or resources. Automatic revert function in case of failure. Please provide instructions on proper coding and best practices on how to configure the templates/modules.

Final words: Top 8 Open Source DEVOPS Tools in 2022

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