Deploying a Service Mesh: Challenges and Solutions

A service mesh is a dedicated infrastructure layer that enables communication between microservices in a distributed application. It helps to abstract the underlying communication infrastructure, such as network protocols and load balancing and provides a consistent interface for microservices to communicate with each other.

In a service mesh, each microservice in the application is represented as a “service” within the mesh, and the mesh acts as a proxy between the services, routing requests and responses between them. It also includes a control plane, which manages and configures the proxy instances and provides observability and monitoring capabilities for the services.

Some of the benefits include:

  • Improved observability: A service mesh provides visibility into the communication between microservices, which can be helpful for debugging and monitoring the performance of the application.
  • Resilience: It can help to make microservices more resilient by providing features such as retries, timeouts and circuit breakers, which can help to prevent cascading failures.
  • Security: A service mesh can help to secure communication between microservices by providing features such as mutual TLS (mTLS) and rate limiting.
  • Ease of use: It provides a consistent interface for microservices to communicate with each other, which can make it easier for developers to build and manage distributed applications.

Why is a Service Mesh Important?

A service mesh is important because it helps to abstract the underlying communication infrastructure for microservices-based applications, which can make it easier for DevOps teams to build and manage these types of applications.

One of the main benefits is that it provides a consistent interface for microservices to communicate with each other, which can make it easier for developers to build and manage distributed applications. For example, a service mesh can provide features such as load balancing, retries and timeouts, which can be useful for ensuring the resilience and reliability of the application.

It can also help to improve observability for microservices-based applications by providing visibility into the communication between the microservices. This can be helpful for debugging and monitoring the performance of the application, which can, in turn, make it easier for DevOps teams to identify and resolve issues more quickly.

What are the Main Deployment Challenges?

There are several key challenges that a DevOps organization may face:

  • Complexity: Service meshes can be complex to set up and manage, especially in large, distributed applications. This can make it challenging for organizations to implement and ensure that it is configured correctly.
  • Operational overhead: Service meshes can add a layer of complexity to the application stack, which can increase the operational overhead of managing the application. This can be especially challenging for organizations that are not used to operating one.
  • Cost: While service mesh software is typically open source, the need to run a sidecar container alongside every container can increase the compute capacity needed to run a Kubernetes cluster.
  • Integration with existing systems: They can be difficult to integrate with existing systems and processes, especially if the organization has not previously used a service mesh. This can make it challenging to get the full benefits.
  • Lack of expertise: Service meshes are relatively new technologies, and there may be a lack of expertise within the organization. This can make it challenging for organizations to get started and ensure it is used effectively.
  • Performance overhead: Service meshes can add a performance overhead to the application as they introduce an additional layer of proxying between microservices. This can make it challenging to ensure that the application is performant and scalable.

Best Practices to Ease Service Mesh Pain

Here are a few best practices that can turn service mesh deployments from a pain to a pleasure.

Use Configuration-as-Code in a GitOps Approach

Using configuration as code in a GitOps approach is a best practice to improve reliability and maintainability.

GitOps is a way of managing infrastructure and applications using Git as the single source of truth. In a GitOps approach, all configuration and deployment information is stored in Git, and changes to the infrastructure and applications are made by committing code changes to Git.

Using configuration-as-code in a GitOps approach can help to improve the reliability and maintainability of the service mesh in several ways:

  • Version control: Storing configuration-as-code in Git allows you to track changes to the service mesh configuration and roll back changes if necessary. This can help improve the service mesh’s reliability by making it easier to identify and fix issues.
  • Collaboration: Git allows multiple people to work on configuration at the same time, which can make it easier to collaborate on changes and ensure that the service mesh is properly maintained.
  • Automation: GitOps approaches often use automation tools, such as continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) pipelines, to automatically deploy changes to the service mesh when code is committed to Git. This can make it easier to manage and maintain and can help to improve its reliability by reducing the risk of errors.

Focus On Developer Experience

Ensuring a positive developer experience is a best practice because it can help to improve the productivity and effectiveness of the development team. A positive developer experience means that developers can easily understand and use the service mesh, and that it does not introduce unnecessary complexity or frustration into their workflow.

Here are some ways to improve the developer experience:

  • Provide clear documentation: It is important to provide clear and comprehensive documentation on how to use the service mesh, including examples and tutorials. This will make it easier for developers to understand and use.
  • Integrate with existing tools and processes: The service mesh should integrate seamlessly with the existing tools and processes that the development team is already using. This will help to minimize disruptions to the team’s workflow and make it easier for them to work with.
  • Provide support and training: It is important to provide support and training to help developers understand and use the service mesh effectively. This can include online resources, in-person training, and support from the vendor.

Reduce Costs With Low-Cost Cloud CPUs

A service mesh increases the cost of an entire containerized deployment because it requires deploying a sidecar container alongside all workloads. When running on Amazon Web Services (AWS), the AWS Graviton processor can ease deployment by reducing the cost of running service mesh infrastructure.

The AWS Graviton processor is a custom ARM-based processor designed specifically for use in Amazon Web Services (AWS) environments. It is optimized for running workloads commonly found in the cloud, such as microservices and containerized applications.

Using the AWS Graviton processor can help to reduce the compute costs of a service mesh because it is generally less expensive than other processors, such as Intel Xeon processors. The AWS Graviton processor is also designed to be highly efficient, which can help reduce the service mesh’s overall resource utilization. This can help to reduce the cost.

Choose the Right Control Plane

Choosing the right control plane is a best practice because it can impact the performance, reliability and maintainability of the service mesh. The control plane is the central component that manages the proxy servers and enables you to configure and monitor the communication between microservices.

Here are some considerations for choosing a good control plane:

  • Compatibility: It is important to choose a control plane that is compatible with the rest of the service mesh infrastructure, as well as with the application and its dependencies. This will ensure that the control plane can operate effectively and support the needs of the application.
  • Performance: The control plane should be able to handle the traffic and data volumes of the application without experiencing performance degradation. It should also be able to scale up or down as needed to meet changing demand.
  • Reliability: The control plane should be reliable and able to withstand failures without interruption. It should also provide features such as circuit breaking, retries and timeouts to help improve the resiliency of the service mesh.
  • Ease of use: The control plane should be easy to use and understand, with clear documentation and a user-friendly interface. This will make it easier for the DevOps team to manage and maintain the service mesh.
  • Integration with other tools: It is important to consider how the control plane integrates with other tools and systems, such as monitoring and logging tools, and how it can be integrated into the overall workflow of the organization.


In conclusion, deploying a service mesh can be a complex and challenging process, but it can also provide significant benefits in terms of improving the reliability, scalability and security of a cloud-native application. 

Some of the key challenges include complexity, operational overhead, integration with existing systems, lack of expertise and performance overhead. 

To overcome these challenges, it is important to choose the right service mesh, use configuration-as-code in a GitOps approach, choose the right control plane and ensure a positive developer experience. By addressing these challenges and following best practices, organizations can successfully deploy a service mesh and reap the many benefits it has to offer.

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Deploying a Service Mesh: Challenges and Solutions