Morningstar’s Guide to Market Uncertainty

The stock market has gotten off to a rocky start in 2022. Concerns about rising interest rates, inflation, and Russia-Ukraine tensions have led to some dramatic swings in stock market performance this year.

Investors often hear that they should tune out the market's noise and not pay attention to market turbulence. But tuning out can be hard to do–and in some cases, it could be a mistake.

In fact, Morningstar's director of personal finance Christine Benz suggests that investors who are nearing or in retirement should use market volatility as an impetus to re-examine their portfolios. No, she doesn't advise that everyone move entirely to cash. But she does suggest that retirees and the near-retired check up on their asset allocations and consider their withdrawal rates, among other things.

What about accumulators who have decades before they retire? Of course, younger investors have more time to make up for any stock-market losses. But if you're spooked by the market's recent volatility, there are some things you can do.

Here are some of our best ideas for taking control of your portfolio in turbulent times.

How Should Investors Manage Risks Like a Ukraine War?
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4 Good Reasons to Sell Stocks Now
Admonitions to “freeze!” assume a well-laid, well-maintained plan. That may not be the case for some investors.  

3 Ways to Take Control in a Volatile Stock Market
Here are some practical steps for steering your portfolio through uncertain times.

Can Your Portfolio Withstand Volatility?
How to determine how durable your portfolio is and strategies to tame stock market risk.

Webcast: Tune Up Your Portfolio in Uncertain Times
Here's how to strengthen your portfolio for the years ahead. 

Should You Buy During a Downturn?
Christine Benz discusses how two types of investors can approach this period. 

Your Market Downturn Tool Kit
Knocking off these investment jobs will keep you focused on the big picture.

What to Do (and Not Do) in a Volatile Market
Christine Benz discusses how investors should handle the turmoil, whatever the life stage.

What Happens to Our Investing Habits in Times of Turmoil?
This is an opportune time to take notice of our financial habits.

4 Ways to Turn a Down Market to Your Advantage
Christine Benz Offers some practical things that investors can do in this market uncertainty.

Risk, Not Volatility, Is the Real Enemy
Grant us investors the wisdom to know the difference.

A Down-Market Survival Guide for Preretirees
If you're within 10 years of retirement, this eight-step review can help you improve your situation–and your peace of mind.   

A Down-Market Survival Guide for Your 20s, 30s, and 40s
When you have many years until retirement, market volatility should be easy to shrug off, but it isn't always. A step-by-step guide to taking control.

A Down-Market Survival Guide for Retirees  
These six steps can help you take back control in uncertain times.

A Checklist for Volatile Markets: Saver Edition
Running through our six-step checklist can provide peace of mind with your portfolio and plan if volatility persists.

A Checklist for Volatile Markets: Retiree Edition
Volatility is usually more distressing for retirees than it is for people who are earning a paycheck. Here's how to find peace of mind. 

Retirees: Avoid These Traps in Turbulent Markets
Recent volatility provides a good reason for retirees to check up on their portfolios–but don't overdo it.

How to Reduce Risk in Your Portfolio Using a Light Touch 
If market volatility is making you anxious, Christine Benz offers some ways to reduce risk in your portfolio without derailing your long-term plan.

Emotional Investing: What It Costs, and What to Do About It
It's gets expensive when investors sell during downturns, research shows.

Check Your Biases When Making Money Decisions
Using tested techniques can help you skip the mental short cuts and remind yourself of what you're working toward during the coronavirus pandemic. 

3 Charts That Show Why Investors Should Stay the Course Throughout Market Turmoil
What we've learned about sticking out bear markets, avoiding short-term losses, and not trying to time the market.

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