リーダーはどうすれば意思決定の信頼性を高められるのか – [論文セレクション]注目著者

『ハーバード・ビジネス・レビュー』を支える豪華執筆陣の中で、特に注目すべき著者を毎月一人ずつ、東京都立大学名誉教授である森本博行氏と編集部が厳選して、ご紹介します。彼らはいかにして現在の思考にたどり着いたのか。それを体系的に学ぶ機会としてご活用ください。2020年10月の注目著者は、ハーバード・ビジネス・スクール教授のマックス H. ベイザーマン氏です。

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History’s Lessons on Competitive Innovation

The Germans didn’t depend on a select group of high-level officers and industry leaders taking a “think tank” approach by deliberating their way to a new tactic, nor did they assume that the answer was (just) technology like planes and tanks.
If the problem during World War I was the inability to gain and hold an innovative edge, it must have seemed to French leaders that the interwar period promised just the breather they needed

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Global X ETs Launches New Funds, VPN & CTEC

Connectivity across billions of Internet of Things devices, alongside increased utilization of cloud storage, ultrafast 5G mobile networks, and sophisticated artificial intelligence algorithms, is expected to drive robust demand for digital infrastructure, like data centers and cellular towers.
The common denominator for game-changing technologies like 5G, the Internet of Things, and artificial intelligence is the physical digital infrastructure that enables the seamless transfer, computation, and storage of data.

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Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare: Unlocking the power of health data for better care

Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare brings together trusted capabilities to customers and partners that enhance patient engagement, empower health team collaboration, and improve clinical and operational insights.
The Microsoft Health Bot service is an Azure cloud service that empowers healthcare organizations to rapidly build and deploy AI-powered virtual health assistants and chatbots that can be used to enhance their processes, self-service, and cost reduction efforts.

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Inside a Star Genomics ETF’s Notoriety

ARKG includes companies that merge healthcare with technology to capitalize on the revolution in genomic sequencing.
“CRISPR’s addressable market in the monogenic disease space could scale to $75B annually with nearly $2T in latent demand from unaddressed populations.

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Solving IoT device security at scale through standards

We’re happy to share general availability of the Edge Compute Node protection profile (NSCIB-CC-0112146-CR or simply ECN PP), a Common Criteria (ISO 15408) standard, which guides you to engineer, claim, evaluate, and consume security for IoT devices.
Edge Compute Node protection profile (ECN PP)—now available—guides you to engineer, claim, evaluate, and consume device security for IoT.

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How Proactive Customer Service Will Transform Customer Experience

Gartner research reveals that a dynamic customer engagement (DCE) strategy enables customer service and support leaders to transform their service experience through personalized proactive conversations with customers.
Customer service leaders must implement DCE to overcome the drawbacks of reactive experiences and move to a proactive service approach.

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These inspiring small and medium businesses are helping the world navigate COVID-19 together

As Google Cloud small and medium business (SMB) customers keep innovating to support governments and organizations around the world, we share some of their stories to inspire you in the fight against this virus: Giving millions the information they urgently need COVID-19 triggered an overwhelming need for information, flooding healthcare support centers with calls.
Making remote healthcare and medical research possible For our most vulnerable, who need to monitor their health more often due to COVID-19 risks, lockdown has posed a new challenge: regular visits to the doctor were no longer recommended

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