Monthly top blogs of Health Wellbeing – March’24

How Narcissists Steal Your Personality, According To An Expert

Narcissistic and psychopathic individuals often engage in psychological identity theft, a form of emotional abuse where they mimic victims' traits, interests, stories and even careers to seek attention and seem more interesting. This form of malignant mirroring, while initially may seem flattering, feels deeply violating to victims. It leads to dismissal of the exploitative nature of the situation, which further enforces the need for societal understanding and involvement in battling such behavior.

Stem cells for old knees?

Stem cells have gained popularity as an alternative to knee surgery, but their effectiveness is still unproven. Real stem cell therapy may not be what some clinics claim, and clinical trials have provided varied results. There are also risks and no concrete evidence that stem cells can avoid knee replacement in severe cases.

Epax unveils Omega 3-9-11 for brain and heart health with simultaneous skin benefits

Norway’s marine ingredients company, Epax, has launched Omega 3-9-11, a concentrated oil combining EPA, DHA, omegas 9 and 11 derived from pelagic fish. The product offers heart, brain, and skin benefits, with potential for reducing inflammation and improving metabolic health. Preclinical studies show improved metabolic health parameters with a combination of LC-MUFAs and LC-PUFAs.

Why Online Shopping Is Tanking Your Mental Health

Online shopping can be overwhelming and addictive, leading to impulse purchases and temporary mood boosts. To become a happier online shopper, focus on “good enough” decisions, unsave credit card info, impose waiting periods on purchases, and give yourself a no-buy month. Edit your inbox and social media feeds to resist micro-targeted advertising and avoid buying for your aspirational self.

Top Ten Food & Drink Trends 2024: Innova Market Insights pinpoints ingredients “Taking the spotlight”

Researchers from Georgetown University have released a whitepaper advocating for the increased use of low- and no-calorie sweeteners (LNCS) in foods and beverages. By reducing calorie and sugar intake, LNCS can aid in healthier diet habits, weight management and potential obesity crisis mitigation. The researchers call for regulatory bodies, public health officials, food companies and dieticians to encourage the adoption and communication of LNCS benefits.

Victoria (And David) Beckham’s Personal Trainer Shares VB’s Workout Secrets

Victoria Beckham's tailored workout routine, as shared by her trainer Bobby Rich, has spurred a global internet search surge thanks to a recent Netflix documentary featuring Beckham's life. Rich revealed that the regimen is both physically and mentally intensive with distinct training blocks that include strength, power, hypertrophy, endurance, and cardiovascular workouts. Despite their busy schedules, Victoria and David both consistently train five days a week either in person or remotely.

Pharmactive Biotech Products reveals the stress-relieving potential of saffron

A new study on saffron extract, affron, shows potential in enhancing the body’s resilience to stress. The study, conducted on rats, revealed significant improvements in stress levels with the oral administration of the extract. Affron's mechanism of action includes regulating stress hormones, offering potential benefits for stress management. These findings may have implications for human clinical studies in the future.

Spirulina: A natural solution to weight loss and heart health, new research finds

Recent research from Qatar University explored the benefits of spirulina supplementation on cardiometabolic health. The study revealed that spirulina effectively reduces body weight and waist circumference, lowers inflammation markers, and improves insulin sensitivity. However, further long-term trials are needed to optimize its use as a nutritional supplement for cardiometabolic purposes.

Vision for the future: dsm-firmenich looks at innovative lifespan eye health ingredients

The demand for eye health products is rising, with a 7% annual growth in offerings providing eye health benefits. Key ingredients include vitamin C and A, essential for eye health. Screen time increases the need for protection against blue light, which can cause digital eye strain. Innovative supplements like Eyemuse aim to alleviate digital eye fatigue and support overall eye health.

The Mystery of Partner ‘Convergence’

Romantic partners gradually mold each other, leading to convergence in personality, well-being, and even biological responses. Debates persist on whether this evolution results from initial similarities or socialization. However, what truly matters is feeling connected and understood, embracing differences while sculpting a shared masterpiece. Unity and understanding can coexist with individuality.