bunch of white oval medication tablets and white medication capsules

How the ZS COVID-19 Intelligence Engine helps Pharma & Med device manufacturers understand local healthcare needs & gaps at scale

Real-time insights into the rapidly evolving COVID-19 situation and its impact on all key stakeholders in the healthcare supply chain, including patients, physicians, and health systems, is a key asset in helping companies adapt based on local market dynamics and remain resilient to future disruptions

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Big data processing in a data warehouse environment using AWS Glue 2.0 and PySpark

n this post, we discuss one such example of improving operational efficiency and how we optimized our ETL process using AWS Glue 2.0 and PySpark SQL to achieve huge parallelism and reduce the runtime significantly—under 45 minutes—to deliver data to business much sooner.
We did this by running a SQL query repeatedly in Amazon Redshift , incrementally processing 2 months at a time to account for several years of historical data, with several hundreds of billions of rows in total.

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Upstream aims to be the new home for your professional social life

Upstream’s first product focused on professional groups and communities, allowing users to post what the company called Professional Asks, like if they’re looking to hire someone for a certain position or need an introduction at another company.
There’s also a new spin on Events called Office Hours, allowing users to set aside structured time for virtual one-on-one sessions with anyone who’s interested in speaking to them

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IoT-based predictive maintenance staves off machine failures

IoT grew up with the advent of predictive maintenance , a method of monitoring and maintaining industrial equipment to reduce the likelihood of hardware failure.
IT admins can deploy IoT sensors for predictive maintenance that monitor machinery metrics, such as vibrations, leaks and fuel levels, to detect whether equipment operates at its full potential.

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How Banks & Regulators are Applying Machine Learning

The financial services industry is no stranger to machine learning – a number of large institutions continue to successfully implement the technology across such areas as risk analytics and regulation, customer segmentation, cross-selling and upselling, sales and marketing campaign management, creditworthiness evaluation

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