Monthly top blogs of Health Wellbeing – May’24

Top Ten Food & Drink Trends 2024: Innova Market Insights pinpoints ingredients “Taking the spotlight”

Researchers from Georgetown University have released a whitepaper advocating for the increased use of low- and no-calorie sweeteners (LNCS) in foods and beverages. By reducing calorie and sugar intake, LNCS can aid in healthier diet habits, weight management and potential obesity crisis mitigation. The researchers call for regulatory bodies, public health officials, food companies and dieticians to encourage the adoption and communication of LNCS benefits.

A Psychologist Unpacks The ‘Replaying Conversations’ Compulsion

Replaying past conversations can lead to excessive rumination, intensifying feelings of anxiety and self-doubt while hindering authentic connections. Reasons behind this habit include seeking closure, personal growth, and the illusion of control. To break free, challenge negative thoughts, focus on self-improvement without overthinking, and practice letting go of the past. For further insights, visit: Original Post>

Could good gut bacteria help prevent cardiovascular disease?

Good gut health is gaining attention due to its impact on overall well-being. Research indicates that a balanced gut microbiome may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. A study analyzed bacterial genomes from stool samples and found a link between certain bacteria and lower cholesterol levels. Consuming prebiotics, probiotics, and postbiotics may support the growth of beneficial gut bacteria.

New study explores how omega-3 influences children’s brain development, mood and behavior

The University of Swansea received a £81,000 grant to study omega-3's effects on children’s brain health. Many UK kids lack vital fatty acids, impacting health and learning. The research aims to find which children benefit most, seeking participants aged 6-12. Omega-3 has also shown benefits for aging brains. The study responds to increasing demand for omega-3 supplements.

Sunshine and skin care: New vitamin D derivatives illuminate anti-aging benefits

A recent study in Cosmetics reveals the anti-aging potential of vitamin D derivatives, offering UV protection, promoting skin regeneration, and targeting specific skin concerns like eczema and vitiligo. These findings pave the way for new cosmetic products and a safer approach to sun protection. Givaudan Active Beauty also introduced Neuroglow, mimicking sun-induced vitamin D for radiant skin.

Expert Tips for Stopping Yourself From Waking Up on the Wrong Side of the Bed

The link between stress and cognitive function is clear; chronic stress clouds cognitive function, leading to mental fog. Poor sleep exacerbates this issue, with over 30% of American adults experiencing insomnia symptoms. To combat this, experts recommend consistent sleep patterns, setting boundaries around work, creating a mental buffer, and finding your individual sleep ‘sweet spot'.

Stop Obsessing Over the Scale and Focus on Achieving Body Recomposition

If you're trying to lose weight, you're not alone. Body recomposition involves changing your body's makeup by building muscle and shedding fat. This balanced long-term approach focuses on losing fat, not just weight. Plans include strength training, cardio, and flexibility exercises, along with a focus on protein intake. It's about sustainable goals and calorie cycling for optimal results.

Doctor-designed food prescriptions could help patients cut medical costs for hypertension and cancer

Some doctors are now prescribing personalized nutrition plans and specific heart-healthy foods to combat chronic illness, aiming to lower healthcare costs and improve health outcomes. This trend in preventive healthcare involves providing access to affordable, nutrient-rich foods and educating patients on healthy eating. Recommendations include incorporating beans, greens, potatoes, blueberries, and seeds into daily diets to promote better overall health.

Allergies abroad

Kelsey Butler shares a harrowing experience of a severe allergic reaction to peanuts while in Mexico. This incident prompted her to seek expert advice on managing food allergies while traveling. Experts emphasize the seriousness of food allergies and the importance of preparation, including carrying an anaphylaxis kit and communicating allergies effectively.

The race for personalized cancer drugs

Moderna Inc. is pioneering personalized cancer treatments using mRNA technology to create bespoke drugs for individual patients. By sequencing each patient's tumor DNA and matching it with neoantigens, they aim to train the immune system to destroy cancer. While early results show promise, challenges remain in scaling up production and treating different types of tumors.


Mindful eating may help people with high blood pressure stick to heart-healthy diet, study reveals

A recent study reveals that practicing mindfulness can improve adherence to the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet among patients with high blood pressure. Through the study, participants in an eight-week mindfulness program showed better dietary habits and increased self-awareness, leading to significant improvements in their blood pressure levels. The researchers recommend mindfulness training as a tool for enforcing healthy dietary behaviors and managing hypertension.

MoodCapture: This AI-Powered Phone App Can Detect Depression From Facial Expressions

A team at Dartmouth College developed MoodCapture, an AI-powered app using facial recognition to detect early signs of depression. In a study, it showed 75% accuracy in identifying depressive symptoms. The app aims to provide real-time insights and support for those with depression, with future plans to enhance privacy and accuracy.

Here’s How To Generate Dopamine, According To A Longevity Expert

You can cultivate optimism by engaging in activities that trigger the release of “happy hormones” like serotonin, endorphins, oxytocin, and dopamine. These hormones improve sleep and reduce stress, contributing to healthier aging. Techniques include self-care practices, positive thinking, and laughter, all of which stimulate the body's healing abilities and promote happiness.

Why Walking Isn’t Enough When It Comes to Exercise

Walking may seem basic, but it's a crucial, accessible exercise. It engages major muscle groups and acts as aerobic exercise, improving cardiovascular health and reducing disease risks. To maximize its benefits, aim for at least 150 minutes of brisk walking weekly. Mind your form and intensity to ensure it counts as a workout.

A new Ozempic rival helps patients lose fat, but keep their muscle — the holy grail for a weight-loss drug

A new weekly injectable weight-loss drug, pemvidutide, from Altimmune, showed impressive results in a Phase II clinical trial, with patients losing about 75% fat and only 25% muscle. This stands out compared to existing GLP-1 drugs, offering the potential to mimic exercise effects without physical activity. Other drugmakers are likewise exploring solutions to prevent muscle loss.

High Cholesterol Doesn’t Usually Have Symptoms—But Could It Be the Reason You’re So Tired?

High cholesterol levels can lead to fatigue indirectly due to associated lifestyle factors. Elevated cholesterol itself rarely causes symptoms, but the unhealthy habits that contribute to high cholesterol, such as poor diet and inactivity, can cause fatigue. Lifestyle changes, regular exercise, and a balanced diet can help manage cholesterol levels.

Do You Fear Sleep? Here’s How To Manage the Anxiety-Provoking Symptoms of Somniphobia

Somniphobia, the fear of falling asleep, can be debilitating. This specific phobia can lead to sleep deprivation, anxiety, and avoidance behaviors. Traumatic events, anxiety disorders, and insomnia can provoke somniphobia. Cognitive behavioral therapy, relaxation techniques, and addressing underlying issues are key in treatment. It's crucial to seek professional help if somniphobia affects daily life.

I went to the elite personal training gym for traders that works your mind and your body at the same time. This may be the future of fitness.

High-end fitness gyms are now incorporating cognitive training to enhance both mental and physical performance. Singapore's Sparkd gym, led by Anna Milani, offers a unique mind-body workout experience utilizing innovative technologies like NeuroTracker. Despite some skepticism, this approach has gained traction among athletes and is poised to shape the future of fitness.

Industry experts spotlight the gut-brain axis as a fundamental aspect of healthy aging

As people aim for active and independent aging, experts emphasize the crucial role of gut health in maintaining cognitive vitality and independence. Industry leaders discuss the significance of digestive health, gut microbiome changes with age, and the potential of probiotic supplementation for cognitive health. They also highlight the emerging use of botanicals and dietary supplements for healthy aging.

Food for thought: High-fat, sugary diets in teens may permanently harm memory, study flags

Teenagers consuming a high-fat, sugary diet may suffer long-term memory disruptions, as per a mouse-model study led by USC researchers. Eating junk food as adolescents impacted rats' memory function, with potential irreversible effects. The study emphasizes the critical role of dietary habits during youth and the need for public health initiatives promoting healthy eating to prevent cognitive decline.