API Sprawl a Looming Threat to Digital Economy

New computing trends are also prompting a sprawl, says the report. Business units may be operating on different on-premises or cloud environments. When this hybrid situation occurs, APIs could get dispersed over many locations and become difficult to track. Specific connections may be created to cater to new environments like edge computing and IoT devices, further increasing sprawl.

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Dynatrace : What is OpenShift? And how to make OpenShift monitoring easy

It offers automated installation, upgrades, and life cycle management throughout the container stack – the operating system, Kubernetes and cluster services, and applications – on any cloud. OpenShift makes it possible to create and deploy cloud-native microservices at scale, either to enhance existing application performance or build entirely new apps from the ground up

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AWS previews SDKs for Rust, Kotlin, Swift, and Amplify Studio for rapid web apps

Re:invent AWS previewed new developer resources at its Re:invent conference, including new SDKs for Rust, Swift, and Kotlin, as well as Amplify Studio for rapid web applications, integrated with the Figma design tool. “Rust has a lot of use internally as well, we’ve seen it become adopted quite rapidly within AWS and within Amazon,” Ken Exner, GM for AWS Developer Tools, told The Register.

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Microservices vs Monolithic Architecture for DevOps: 8 Differences Explained

While the microservices architecture is quickly becoming the preferred design for organizations embracing DevOps, monolithic architecture is still preferred for specific applications. In the middle of the ongoing race between the two strong application systems, this article articulates eight differences to help you decide which one to opt for based on your team’s requirements.

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Why devops must integrate agile and ITSM tools

Many organisations follow devops principles and want to transform into devops cultures. Some of the key practices include version control , continuous integration and delivery ( CI/CD ), infrastructure as code ( IaC ), applying machine learning in operations ( AIops ), and continuous testing .

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