Ultra-processed food update: New research suggests diet quality mitigates higher mortality risk

A 30+-year US study found higher consumption of ultra-processed foods (UPFs) slightly increases death risk. Ready-to-eat meat, sugary drinks, and highly processed breakfast foods showed the strongest associations. Better diet quality seemed to reduce these risks. The study cautioned against demonizing all UPFs and highlighted confusion around what classifies as a UPF and its health effects.

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New large-scale study recommends nutritional support for smokers who fear weight gain if they quit

A study of 83,000 UK adults found that smokers eat less and have lower BMI than non-smokers, but tend to have unhealthy eating habits. The fear of weight gain may deter smokers from quitting. Providing nutritional and weight management support could aid smoking cessation and improve eating habits. This emphasizes the importance of support for individuals aiming to quit smoking.

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Nestlé develops high protein portion-aligned food for weight loss integration

Nestlé introduces Vital Pursuit, a high-protein food range designed for weight loss medication users and those managing their weight. The products, rich in fiber and essential nutrients, offer portion control options and gluten-free varieties. With an eye on market trends, Nestlé plans to expand the range to cater to individualized health needs.

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Sun Genomics study reveals improvements in autism symptoms with personalized synbiotics

A study by Arizona State University and Sun Genomics found that customized synbiotic supplements improved gastrointestinal and autism-related symptoms in 62% of participants with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). These personalized probiotics, based on individuals’ gut microbiomes, led to increased taxonomic diversity and positive behavioral effects. The research suggests potential benefits for neurodiverse individuals and highlights the gut-brain axis in ASD.

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Omega-3 paradox: Study finds fish oil supplements boost first-time heart disease but slow an existing condition

A new study on fish oil supplements suggests they may increase the risk of first-time heart disease and stroke but slow the progression of existing cardiovascular disease. The researchers stress the need for further investigation into the precise mechanisms involved. However, the study is purely observational and lacks conclusive evidence on the protective effects of fish oil supplements.

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7oh: The Next Frontier in Health and Wellness

In recent years, the natural supplement 7oh Hydroxy has gained attention for its health benefits. Derived from the Kratom plant, it offers pain relief, mood enhancement, and energy boost. 7oh tablets provide a convenient way to reap these benefits. Bulk7oh.com is a reliable source for purchasing 7oh products, ensuring quality and authenticity.

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Optimal Prostate Health Diet: Foods to Eat and Avoid

To maintain optimal prostate health, prioritize foods rich in antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, selenium, zinc, and vitamin D. Incorporate fruits, vegetables, and whole foods, while minimizing red meats, high-fat dairy, and sugary treats. Embrace prostate-friendly meals like grilled salmon salad and vegetable curry. Prioritize regular exercise, stress management, and routine check-ups for overall wellness.

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The gut and female fertility: What does the science say?

Ro Huntriss, a fertility dietitian, discussed the impact of nutrition and gut health on fertility. The gut microbiota’s influence on reproductive hormones, conditions like PCOS and endometriosis, and the potential of probiotics and a “pro-fertility diet” were highlighted. Research is ongoing, but promising results suggest a link between the microbiome and female reproductive health.

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Sunshine and skin care: New vitamin D derivatives illuminate anti-aging benefits

A recent study in Cosmetics reveals the anti-aging potential of vitamin D derivatives, offering UV protection, promoting skin regeneration, and targeting specific skin concerns like eczema and vitiligo. These findings pave the way for new cosmetic products and a safer approach to sun protection. Givaudan Active Beauty also introduced Neuroglow, mimicking sun-induced vitamin D for radiant skin.

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New study explores how omega-3 influences children’s brain development, mood and behavior

The University of Swansea received a £81,000 grant to study omega-3’s effects on children’s brain health. Many UK kids lack vital fatty acids, impacting health and learning. The research aims to find which children benefit most, seeking participants aged 6-12. Omega-3 has also shown benefits for aging brains. The study responds to increasing demand for omega-3 supplements.

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Postbiotics: The lesser-known microbes in the gut health universe

The gut health trend has rapidly gained popularity, with a market value of $51.7bn in 2023, and a growing interest in postbiotics. Prebiotics and probiotics support good bacteria in the gut, and postbiotics are waste products with beneficial effects. Consumers can increase postbiotics by consuming specific foods and supplements. The food industry can help by emphasizing unprocessed, nutrient-rich ingredients.

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Could good gut bacteria help prevent cardiovascular disease?

Good gut health is gaining attention due to its impact on overall well-being. Research indicates that a balanced gut microbiome may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. A study analyzed bacterial genomes from stool samples and found a link between certain bacteria and lower cholesterol levels. Consuming prebiotics, probiotics, and postbiotics may support the growth of beneficial gut bacteria.

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The Easiest Way To Get More Longevity-Promoting Flavonols into Your Daily Diet

Fruits and vegetables are rich in flavonols, a type of phytonutrient with numerous health benefits. These compounds are linked to reduced mortality rates and lower risks of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and Alzheimer’s. Foods like onions, kale, berries, and tea are excellent dietary sources of flavonols, offering significant advantages for heart and brain health.

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Experts Say These Foods Affect Skin Health Most

Holistic nutritionist Jennifer Hanway emphasizes the connection between what we eat and the appearance of our skin, as it reflects internal health. Experts recommend omega-3 fatty acids, spearmint tea, fruits, vegetables, probiotics, royal jelly, and protein for healthy skin. Conversely, they caution against ultra-processed foods, non-dairy milks, dairy, non-olive oils, alcohol, sugar, and high-carbohydrate foods. Specific diets such as low-glycemic and ketogenic are suggested to manage skin conditions like acne and psoriasis by reducing inflammation.

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