If You’re Stressed, Try Flipping Your Perspective Upside Down—Literally

Inversion yoga, or yoga positions that involve turning upside down, is gaining traction for its stress relief benefits. Advocates of the practice assert that it helps manage anxiety, cultivates a self-focused perspective, and quiets the sympathetic nervous system responsible for our stress responses. Inversion yoga doesn’t just alleviate stress but also encourages muscle building, balance improvement, and core strength. It’s a simple and accessible exercise one can incorporate into their routine.

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‘Strength Training’ Your Skin Will Become the Single Most Important Part of Your Beauty Routine in 2024

The beauty industry has recently focused on “barrier health,” or the strength of the skin’s protective layer. With the rise in skin health awareness and increased prevalence of issues caused by environmental factors and the improper use of active ingredients, the significance of barrier health is growing. Products targeting barrier enhancement have surged, featuring ingredients that repair and support the skin barrier, beneficial for all skin types. These trends highlight a shift towards comprehensive skin health maintenance in beauty routines.

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2023 Gifts for Health and Fitness

This holiday season, individuals passionate about health and fitness are being served with a selection of innovative, fitness-centric gift ideas. The guide includes various products such as the Compex Wireless USA .0 Muscle Stimulator Kit for workout enthusiasts, Eko CORE 500™ Digital Stethoscope for healthcare professionals, FORM Smart Swim Goggles for swimmers, and the TicWatch Pro 5 for tech-savvy individuals. Also featured is Oxa for better sleep and stress management, and the OTTO, an automatic milling machine.

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Deadlifts Help You Get Fitter Faster by Strengthening Multiple Muscles at Once

Clearly, deadlifts can be one of the most efficient exercises to work into your leg day. But if you aren’t already doing them, we get it: Barbell deadlifts in particular can be intimidating for beginners. We’re here to help, because understanding the muscles worked by deadlifts can help you focus on how you should be performing deadlifts and what muscles you should feel engaging during this exercise.

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I Tried a Boxing Class. There Are Benefits I Did Not Anticipate.

The installment, “Good Fit”, details the mental health benefits of non-contact boxing fitness. This fitness genre integrates high-intensity aerobic exercise and mindfulness, providing stress relief and potential improvements in mood, self-esteem, and concentration. Boxing serves not only as an outlet for anger and stress, but also as a potential mental health intervention. Moreover, its structured format might advance both fitness and mental health outcomes.

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How to get back into an exercise routine: 6 tricks from a former fitness coach

A former fitness coach shares strategies for maintaining an exercise routine despite frequent travel and work. By choosing enjoyable, varied exercises like walking and yoga, they fall into a pleasant rhythm. They apply the Japanese concept of ‘kaizen’, integrating smaller, consistent actions over time. They also frame chores as workouts, turning tasks like laundry into moments for stretching or squatting. Furthermore, they avoid self-scolding and prioritize positive reinforcement, keeping the process harmonious and guilt-free.

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Hilary Duff’s “12-3-30” Workout Hack Is Pretty Genius

The “12-3-30” workout, a popular TikTok-viral treadmill routine set at 12% incline, 3mph speed for 30 minutes, has been further innovated by actor Hilary Duff. Finding the workout too easy, Duff added a twist, wearing a 12-pound weighted vest to increase the intensity and cardio output. Various modifications can be made to the 12-3-30 workout such as adjusting the incline or speed, or adding wrist/ankle weights.

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How To Do a Full-Body Workout Using Just One (Awesomely Versatile) Piece of Equipment

A full-body workout can be achieved with just one piece of equipment: the kettlebell. Its structure allows dynamic movements that engage different muscle groups, combining strength and cardio for total body conditioning. To optimize a kettlebell workout, Fhitting Room trainer Ben Lauder-Dykes suggests focusing on compound movements, working bilaterally and unilaterally, altering the number of repetitions, practicing diverse movement patterns, and combining control with power and speed.

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How the ‘French Approach’ to Health Changed My Wellness Routine and Lowered My Stress Levels

An American expat in Paris offers insights into the French approach to health and wellness. Contrasting between the hustle culture of the United States and the relaxed lifestyle of Paris, the author asserts that slower pace, walking more, and wholesome eating contribute positively to health. Despite experiencing the usual stressors, the relaxed lifestyle, universal healthcare, and slow-paced living have reduced her migraines, stress, anxiety, and improved sleep.

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What Does It Mean if Taking Slow, Deep Breaths Feels Ridiculously Hard?

Difficulty in executing deep, slow breaths, often encountered in yoga classes or mindfulness practices, might not be related to one’s health, but conditioned by several factors. These can include inefficient breathing habits developed during prolonged stress periods, mental states influencing breathing patterns, and potential underlying health conditions. Improvement can be achieved by understanding one’s natural breathing, patient practice, and listening to the body’s unique needs.

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The Grab-and-Go Pre-Workout Snacks Sports Dietitians Always Fuel Up On

A pre-workout snack can enhance performance and recovery during exercise. These snacks should provide quick energy, primarily from carbohydrates, whilst taking care not to overconsume protein, fiber, or fats which can slow digestion. Snack options can range from fruits, pre-packaged carbohydrate-rich foods, to simple concoctions like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. The right snack eventually depends on individual dietary needs and workout type, be it endurance or strength training.

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The Case for ‘Test Driving’ Your New Year’s Resolutions Before January 1

The writer conducted an experiment where they implemented New Year’s resolutions before the start of the new year. They found that starting early encouraged consistency and gradual behavioral changes. The process also underscored the importance of setting realistic, incremental goals that align with personal values rather than societal pressures. They observed that treating the experiment with curiosity rather than criticism could facilitate success. Above all, ensuring flexibility and self-compassion helped maintain these new habits, even when plans deviated.

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Peloton Row Hands-On: A Beautiful Machine, But Who Is It for?

The Peloton Row—a $2,995 rowing machine—is suitable for those with ample living space and an appetite for rigorous workouts. With integrated classes and AI-assisted form evaluation, the machine proficiently combines personal training with unguided fitness. However, its large size may be challenging for those with limited spaces. The Peloton Row offers a unique fitness experience benefiting from the Peloton’s app, but its appeal might be limited to Peloton loyalists or regular rowing enthusiasts.

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Hot Girl Hikes Are the New Hot Girl Walks—And They’re Even Better for Your Heart, Balance, and Mental Health

The author, who moved from Florida to Denver, emphasizes the transformative power of hiking over simple walks. Hiking brings physical benefits, such as challenging leg muscles and heart, improving balance and strength. Mental benefits include increased happiness, reduced stress, and deeper social connections. Walking in nature, compared to city settings, is linked to decreased anxiety and less brain activity tied to depression. The author suggests the practice of “forest bathing” – concentrating on natural surroundings to increase relaxation.

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