The Secret to Strength Training? Embracing a Reality That Most of Us Would Rather Avoid

The author shares their journey in strength training, emphasizing the value of embracing failures in the learning process. The experience allowed them to understand the importance of resilience, challenging their physical limits, and developing comfort with uncertainty. The lessons learned in the gym extended to other areas of life, reiterating that failure does not equate to being a failure, but rather an opportunity for growth and success.

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I Ran the New York City Marathon for the First Time Last Weekend. Here’s What I Learned

The writer shares their firsthand experience of completing the New York City Marathon and offers insights for future participants. The proposed tips include selecting a flexible training schedule, stressing the importance of post-run stretching and strength training, listening to one’s body to avoid injuries, testing all gear prior to the race, creating a race day plan, adding a personal touch like printing your name on a shirt, and dressing in layers to handle unpredictable weather.

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Lifting Weights Doesn’t Only Make Us Physically Stronger—It Can Support Trauma Healing, Too

Weight lifting is being increasingly recognized as a potential therapeutic tool for healing trauma. Alyssa Ages, a seasoned athlete, turned to strength training for comfort after a miscarriage, improving her mind-body connection. Similarly, the non-profit Trauma Informed Weight Lifting studies how lifting can heal trauma, citing self-reliance, and reconnecting mind and body as major benefits. However, researchers advise that weight lifting isn’t a substitute for professional therapy.

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She Had a Week Between Tours, So She Ran an Ultramarathon

Singer-songwriter Margaret Glaspy ran her first ultramarathon despite jetlag and harsh weather conditions, pushed by the “pain cave” mentality from ultramarathoner Courtney Dauwalter. This experience paralleled with her creative process for her third album, in which she applied patience and endurance. She plans to find more time for ultramarathons alongside her touring schedule.

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An Honest Review Of Jennifer Aniston’s Beloved Pvolve Workouts

Jennifer Aniston’s favorite workout, Pvolve, focuses on gentle but effective functional fitness. Pvolve offers dynamic movements for balanced, total body strength training and provides specialized equipment including the P.ball for core strengthening and the for upper body training. The platform offers in-person, on-demand, or live virtual classes with various programs. The workout reportedly improves balance, mobility, and simplifies everyday movements without draining or exhausting the user.

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Victoria (And David) Beckham’s Personal Trainer Shares VB’s Workout Secrets

Victoria Beckham’s tailored workout routine, as shared by her trainer Bobby Rich, has spurred a global internet search surge thanks to a recent Netflix documentary featuring Beckham’s life. Rich revealed that the regimen is both physically and mentally intensive with distinct training blocks that include strength, power, hypertrophy, endurance, and cardiovascular workouts. Despite their busy schedules, Victoria and David both consistently train five days a week either in person or remotely.

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I Worked Out With Mark Wahlberg At F45 & Felt Stronger Than Ever

Mark Wahlberg, known for his film career and fitness regime, leads early morning workouts as the Chief Brand Officer at the global fitness studio, F45. F45 workouts consist of 12 exercises, each focused on muscular endurance and done for 90 seconds without rest in between. A writer, who participated in the program, found the exercises notably challenging but was motivated by Wahlberg’s encouragement. Despite the intense workout leaving her worn out, she left feeling empowered and strong.

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Apple keeps exploring (and scrapping) new ways to detect users’ health

Apple’s healthcare expansion has been slowed due to concerns from executives about the implications of possible missteps. The company has explored numerous health-tech ventures, such as blood glucose, EKG and blood pressure monitoring on Apple Watch. However, challenges related to accuracy, reliability, and regulatory approval have stalled these developments. Apple also explored health clinic incorporation, new product accessories, and even Android compatibility for its Watch, but these ideas have yet to be fully executed.

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36 Running Essentials Vogue Editors Swear By, From Shoes to Leggings

In preparation for the New York City Marathon, several Vogue editors shared their go-to running attire and accessories. Their essentials ranged from activewear brands like Lululemon and Tracksmith to shoes like On, Brooks, and Asics. They also emphasized the importance of accessories like socks, belts for carrying necessities, and devices for tracking runs. These recommendations, which are drawn from personal preferences and comfort, aim to help reduce the overwhelming choices available in running gear.

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Caught the Marathon Bug? Here’s How Long It Takes To Train, and What To Know Before You Get Started

Training for a marathon requires careful planning, dedication, and a structured regimen. The timeline for preparation is typically four to six months for beginners, three to five months for intermediates, and two to four months for advanced runners. Marathon training should only be attempted by runners already covering 20 to 35 miles per week, according to Jonathan Poston, a USATF certified level II endurance coach. Overtraining, skipping rest days, neglecting nutrition, avoiding cross-training, and ignoring pain are common mistakes to avoid.

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Add This Balance-Building Workout to Your Repertoire To Strengthen Both Your Body and Mind

Balance is a complex skill involving musculoskeletal, nervous, and cognitive systems, and is indicative of overall health and longevity. A balance-focused workout strengthens these systems, improves muscular strength, and helps coordination. Such a workout targets the core, feet, ankles, and muscles around key joints like hips. Fitness trainer Ben Lauder-Dykes recommends a 20-minute kettlebell workout for enhancing balance, which could significantly improve everyday activities.

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I Tried Low-Cortisol Workouts For A Week & My Body Is Grateful

Engaging in high-intensity workouts had adversely affected a writer’s mental and physical wellbeing due to the elevated levels of stress hormone cortisol. They shifted to low-cortisol workouts, discovering healthier alternatives like barre, Pilates, and walking on TikTok. Low-cortisol workouts promote moderation, incorporating long rest periods and avoiding high-impact movements. After transitioning to these workouts, the writer noticed improved sleep and reduced burnout, emphasizing the significance of workout adaptations based on individual cortisol responses and overall health.

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Why You Need To Change Your Workout Routine in Perimenopause

Perimenopause, a stage before menopause, is characterized by symptoms like hot flashes, irritability and weight gain. Clinical exercise physiologist Janet Huehls recommends shifting exercise expectations during this stage, stressing the importance of functional strength training and cardio that improves stamina, without causing further stress. The focus should be on listening to the body and practicing routines that contribute to overall wellbeing, rather than strictly adhering to high-intensity workouts.

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