Financial services unchained: The ongoing rise of open financial data

Banks hold a record of much of what we spend, save, and borrow—from electricity bills and mortgage payments to our weekly spend on fuel and coffee. Now, some of that customer data is being shared with third parties in a global movement known as “open financial data” (sometimes referred to as “open banking.”) Roughly half a decade in the making, it’s unlocking a wave of digital financial innovation—and likely disruption.

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Booting out bias: How to derisk advanced analytics models in the public sector

The thoughtful use of advanced analytics is transforming the efficacy and efficiency of public-sector agencies’ most critical work. For example, in the United States, it has helped the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) identify potentially fraudulent tax returns, helped the city of Las Vegas create targeted restaurant inspections by gathering information about public-health concerns from social media, and supported NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in generating weight-reducing designs for space exploration.

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Lessons from banking to improve risk and compliance and speed up digital transformations

A midsize bank wanted to go completely cloud native: modern core-technology architecture, agile, and DevSecOps . It moved aggressively, recruiting top engineering talent and automating many controls. However, it quickly realized that it needed to bring its risk and security functions along on the transformation journey.

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Wrapping up digital and analytics: Current value-creation opportunities for packaging players

The COVID-19 pandemic has rapidly transformed the packaging industry in several ways, not least by accelerating the need for digital adoption, an area in which the industry has historically lagged. To understand the current state of play and the opportunity space for digital and analytics (DnA) in the industry, we launched a global survey with industry executives backed up by interviews with industry experts covering multiple packaging substrates and regions.

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diverse couple choosing food at counter

Lessons on resilience for small and midsize businesses

The Covid-19 crisis exposed stark differences in the fortunes of different small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). Well-capitalized startups have weathered the storm better than cash-poor community businesses; manufacturers of PPE equipment have experienced unprecedented demand while hospitality venues have been shuttered; and digitally enabled retailers have been able to shift delivery and customer services online, pivoting into entirely new business models.

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bunch of white oval medication tablets and white medication capsules

Leveraging digital and analytics in biopharma operations: Six principles

As biopharma companies continue to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic and position themselves for recovery, digital and analytics can be a powerful tool in manufacturing and operations. It can drive the next wave of business optimization by transforming operational performance, shortening time to market, improving quality and yield, reducing supply chain volatility, and accelerating technology transfers.

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decision support system (DSS)

What is a ? A decision support system (DSS) is a computer program application used to improve a company’s decision-making capabilities. It analyzes large amounts of data and presents an organization with the best possible options available.

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