IoT: Technologies, Markets, and Forecasts for 2024

The Internet of Things (IoT) encompasses diverse devices for monitoring, data collection, and automation without human intervention. Consumer IoT and media devices are expected to lead, with the number of IoT devices forecasted to exceed 29 million by 2030. IoT improves efficiency and safety across various industries, driving its popularity and market growth.

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Low-Code vs No-Code Computer Vision Platforms

Enterprises are increasingly deploying Vision AI to enhance operations. While no-code platforms offer simplicity and speed, they may lack in flexibility and security. Low-code platforms provide greater customization and integration capabilities. Consider your use case, budget, and security requirements to choose the best fit. Alternatively, explore computer vision consulting services or full-service providers for tailored solutions.

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How IoT Networks Work: A Comprehensive Overview

IoT networks are intricate systems requiring seamless communication between devices. IoT gateways serve as crucial communication bridges, optimizing bandwidth, managing security, and enabling edge computing. Selecting the right hardware and software, such as Elixir, Python, or C, is essential. MQTT is a preferred protocol for its lightweight, scalability, reliability, and security features, though HTTPS is suitable for user-facing applications.

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How to create a successful IoT business model – Insights from successful OEMs

The “IoT Commercialization & Business Model Adoption Report 2024” by IoT Analytics reveals key insights from successful OEMs. The report highlights the increasing connected products sales, the value of customer usage insights, the time-to-market average, and business model innovations. It also addresses challenges such as customer-centricity, workflow optimization, pricing strategies, and security concerns.

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Kubernetes Use Cases in IoT and Edge Computing

Kubernetes, a pivotal tool in cloud computing, proves invaluable in IoT and edge computing. Its automation abilities streamline device network management and enhance edge performance. Further, it efficiently handles data processing, scalability, and security, with a future focus on handling intermittent connectivity and integrating with AI and ML for advanced data processing.

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Why eSIM is set to transform the IoT

The release of GSMA’s eSIM for IoT Specifications (SGP.31 and SGP.32) is a game-changer for IoT, accelerating adoption, and unlocking $12.6 trillion in economic value globally. The publication of a dedicated standard promises to accelerate eSIM technology adoption, with over half of active eSIMs expected to be compliant by 2028. TCA continues to shape standardization and enhancement.

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18 Industrial IoT Applications & Their Benefits

Industrial IoT applications integrate physical machinery with networked sensors and software to collect and analyze data for operational insights. They drive efficiency, cost savings, safety improvements, and quality enhancements across industries from manufacturing to healthcare. Challenges include connectivity and security, but the benefits outweigh the risks, transforming traditional industries and creating new opportunities.

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A Comprehensive Project Plan For Building A Smart Home Using IoT

The rise of IoT has transformed traditional homes into smart, automated spaces. This comprehensive project plan covers goal setting, device selection, network architecture, security, integration, testing, optimization, and maintenance. It highlights the role of IoT in promoting sustainability through energy efficiency, resource management, waste reduction, environmental monitoring, and renewable energy integration.

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How Transformative Are eSIMs?

eSIM technology, short for Embedded SIM, has become the standard for IoT (Internet of Things) connectivity across industries such as transportation, healthcare, and utilities. eSIMs offer advantages over traditional SIM cards, including versatility, remote management, scalability, and future-proofing. Primarily used in the machine-to-machine field, eSIMs lead the automotive sector in active connections and revenue. The technology also aids tracking functions in various sectors. Experts anticipate exponential growth in the global revenue of the eSIM market in the coming years.

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Cellular vs WiFi: Which is Better for Your IoT Project?

WiFi and cellular connectivity are the primary choices for IoT projects. While WiFi, with its lower costs and high bandwidth, has dominated IoT for years, cellular connectivity is increasingly popular due to superior security, broader coverage, and comparable bandwidth with recent 5G developments. The decision hinges on factors like data volume, mobility, location, and security requirements.

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IoT data powers the metaverse

Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s The Rime of the Ancient Mariner is used as an analogy for the current state of the metaverse, a digital universe under development. With IoT data as its engine, the metaverse aims to mirror and augment physical spaces via digital twins. Challenges, however, include large-scale data management, privacy, security, and economic equity. It is argued that technological development and policy making should be carried out simultaneously to address these risks.

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IIoT Explained: Examples, Technologies, Benefits and Challenges

The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is the application of IoT technology in industrial settings, gathering and analyzing data for real-time decision-making and predictive analytics. IIoT integrates sensors, software, and machinery with internet connectivity to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance product quality. It’s transforming industries such as manufacturing, energy, and transportation by optimizing operations and revolutionizing processes. IIoT also plays a significant role in healthcare, logistics, and the utility sector. However, implementing IIoT faces challenges including security, integration, data management, and a skills gap.

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IoT and IT: Bridging the Gap

We all are a bit more tech oriented, started a couple of years ago and got into this technology and now everybody’s using IoT and maybe sometimes with a little technology background and that’s also not needed because you want to

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