Cisco 2024 Global Networking Trends: Das Netzwerk rückt ins Zentrum der Strategie

Die Unternehmen benötigen heute mehr Unterstützung bei der Verwaltung und Absicherung ihrer verteilten Netzwerke. Cisco und IDC haben 2.050 IT-Fachleute weltweit befragt. Die Studie zeigt, dass die Netzwerkarchitekturen komplexer sind und ein erhöhtes Cybersicherheitsrisiko besteht. Eine zentralisierte Netzwerkplattform könnte helfen, diese Herausforderungen zu bewältigen. Zudem erwarten die Befragten eine verstärkte Nutzung von Künstlicher Intelligenz zur Verbesserung des Netzwerkbetriebs.

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Fahrstunden für die KI

Vollautomatisiertes Fahren im öffentlichen Verkehr in zehn Jahren? Gastautor Michael Fait von Thoughtworks plädiert für Realismus und Sorgfalt. Um autonomes Fahren zu realisieren, müssen KI-Systeme noch viele Fahrstunden absolvieren und insbesondere Module wie Objekterkennung, -verfolgung und -vorhersage verbessern. Aktuell bleiben vollautomatisch fahrerlose Autos noch Zukunftsmusik.

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You Don’t Have to Be Healed to Be A Good Partner

After a breakup, the timing to start dating again varies for each individual. Reality TV illustrates diverse responses, showing there’s no one-size-fits-all timeline for healing. Embracing therapy and personal growth is crucial, but fixating on becoming “healed” can hinder new relationships. Taking healthy risks and learning from past experiences can lead to new perspectives on love.

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Der GenAI-Entwicklungsprozess in 7 Schritten

In der KI-Ära war es notwendig, viele ML-Modelle mit umfassenden Daten zu trainieren, um die besten auszuwählen. Inzwischen stehen verschiedene Large Language Models verschiedener Anbieter zur Verfügung, um eigene GenAI-Anwendungen zu schaffen. Bei der Modellauswahl sollten Sie die zukünftige Anpassbarkeit und die laufenden Kosten für das Inferenztraining berücksichtigen. Verschiedene Prompt-Engineering-Techniken bieten Möglichkeiten zur Anpassung von LLMs.

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Do Your Managers Need Mental Health Training?

Managers play a crucial role in employees’ mental health, but lack guidance on how to support. The American Psychological Association suggests regular mental health training for managers and leadership commitment. Training should focus on developing psychological capital and communication skills. Implementing a comfortable program can improve employee satisfaction and productivity. Consistent leadership commitment is essential for a supportive culture.

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Choosing the Therapy for Yourself: A Full Guide

Choosing the right therapy is a deeply personal journey, and understanding your needs and preferences is crucial. Different therapeutic modalities, such as CBT and psychodynamic therapy, offer unique approaches. Practical considerations like accessibility, cost, and time commitment also play a role. Evaluating therapy’s effectiveness and involving support systems can enhance your therapeutic experience for profound personal transformation.

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Dream Analysis: An Effective Strategy for Anxiety Management

Dream interpretation is a potent tool for managing anxiety, uncovering hidden emotions and stressors, and offering insights for emotional healing. It decodes dream symbols and themes, providing self-awareness, emotional processing, and problem-solving. Maintaining a dream journal, using interpretation apps, and employing decoding techniques are essential for leveraging dream interpretation in anxiety management.

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ConocoPhillips通过收购Marathon Oil扩大了自身规模,成为能源巨头。这项交易对康菲石油并不会带来重大变革,但将提高其自由现金流和每股收益。然而,此举可能引发反垄断审查。这场能源市场的并购潮可能远未结束,可能会出现更多大型交易。

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The best science-backed strategies for a strong mind as you age

At 62, Marie Jerusalem, founder of Rocket50, embraced the challenges of entrepreneurship, defying stereotypes about older workers. Contrary to common beliefs, research highlights the aging brain’s adaptability, promoting cognitive resilience through habits like adequate sleep, exercise, social engagement, and continuous learning. A positive outlook on aging also influences physical and cognitive health, encouraging active and fulfilling lives.

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【白熱最前線】勝者は誰だ⁉ 群雄割拠「生成AIの主戦場」

生成AIコミュニティ「IKIGAI lab.」による注目されている生成AI関連のニュースを紹介。OpenAIの「GPT-4o」やGoogleの「Gemini」など最新モデルの特長を紹介。スマートフォン向けの開発や、AI企業の活動についても解説。生成AIの進化と活用範囲の拡大、技術進化の予測に触れる。__JETPACK_AI_ERROR__

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Smishing: cómo evitar esta estafa y qué hacer si ya has sido víctima

El smishing es un tipo de ciberataque que usa mensajes de texto y phishing. Los estafadores suplantan la identidad de entidades confiables para obtener información confidencial. Para protegerte, no confíes en mensajes inesperados, no hagas clic en enlaces en mensajes de texto y mantén tu software actualizado. Si eres víctima, cambia tus contraseñas de inmediato y contacta a la entidad afectada.

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The Copper Supply Shortage Is Here

The demand for copper is surging due to the AI boom and green energy initiatives, leading to a forecasted shortage. Factors like aging mines, insufficient projects, and rising inflation are driving this trend. With increasing demand from data centers and electric vehicles, the shortage is expected to escalate. China’s production cuts and deceptive import practices further complicate the situation.

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Generating Retirement Income Just Got Easier-or Did It?

Target-date funds are a popular retirement savings option, especially for hands-off investors, with approximately $3.5 trillion in assets. New target-date funds with annuities aim to provide guaranteed income in retirement. These are suitable for middle-class investors, but currently only available through 401(k) plans. However, their effectiveness and accessibility outside of 401(k) plans remain uncertain.

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Hidden Mirrors: un juego de simetrías, lógica y paciencia

Hidden Mirrors es un juego de lógica relajante que utiliza operaciones geométricas como la simetría para colorear bloques. La curva de aprendizaje es suave y relajante, con operaciones limitadas y niveles desafiantes. Es ideal para ejercitar la mente de forma tranquila. También se mencionan otros juegos relacionados para entretenerse.

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