Monthly top blogs of IT Innovation – May ’24


Enterprise monitoring with Azure Monitor

Large enterprises need to consider many factors when modernizing their existing monitoring solution. Enterprises can achieve centralized monitoring management by using Azure Monitor features. This example scenario illustrates enterprise-level monitoring that uses Azure Monitor.

Ingest data from Snowflake to Amazon S3 using AWS Glue Marketplace Connectors

If you choose to bring your own custom connector or prefer a different connector from AWS Marketplace, follow the steps in this blog Performing data transformations using Snowflake and AWS Glue . To configure, follow the instructions in Setting up IAM Permissions for AWS Glue and Create an

What Is OOP (Object Oriented Programming)? Meaning, Concepts, and Benefits

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is defined as a programming paradigm (and not a specific language) built on the concept of objects, i.e., a set of data contained in fields, and code, indicating procedures –

Unified logging for microservices apps

This solution provides logging, tracing, and monitoring for microservices apps. It shows you how to run synthetic logging for testing and how to create structured logs for analysis. Architecture Workflow The

Build an end-to-end change data capture with Amazon MSK Connect and AWS Glue Schema Registry

The post demonstrates how to build an end-to-end CDC using Amazon MSK Connect, an AWS managed service to deploy and run Kafka Connect applications and AWS Glue Schema Registry, which allows you

Anthropic’s Claude 3 Opus model is now available on Amazon Bedrock

Anthropic's Claude 3 Opus, the latest generative AI model, is now available on Amazon Bedrock. It offers exceptional performance, accuracy, and comprehension on complex tasks, making it ideal for industries like healthcare, finance, and research. Users can automate tasks, conduct research, and analyze strategies with this highly advanced model. To access, visit the Amazon Bedrock console.

Let’s Architect! Discovering Generative AI on AWS

Generative AI, used for creating conversations, images, videos, and music, plays a crucial role in AI and ML. Employing open source tools like Kubernetes, AWS, and SageMaker, organizations can accelerate their generative AI journeys. Additionally, multi-tenant patterns and DevOps maturity are essential considerations for production environments. Practical workshops on AWS provide hands-on experience.

Import custom models in Amazon Bedrock (preview)

Amazon Bedrock now allows importing custom weights for supported model architectures like Meta Llama 2, Llama 3, and Mistral in Hugging Face safetensors format from Amazon SageMaker and Amazon S3. Security and scalability are ensured through AWS IAM roles, and on-demand mode ensures cost-effectiveness. This launch facilitates building and scaling generative AI applications with enhanced privacy and security.

How IoT Networks Work: A Comprehensive Overview

IoT networks are intricate systems requiring seamless communication between devices. IoT gateways serve as crucial communication bridges, optimizing bandwidth, managing security, and enabling edge computing. Selecting the right hardware and software, such as Elixir, Python, or C, is essential. MQTT is a preferred protocol for its lightweight, scalability, reliability, and security features, though HTTPS is suitable for user-facing applications.

DeepSeek-V2: An Efficient and Economical Mixture-of-Experts LLM

Large Language Models (LLMs) have advanced text generation but face computational challenges. DeepSeek-V2, with 236 billion parameters and efficient architecture, balances performance and efficiency. Multi-head Latent Attention reduces memory usage, and DeepSeekMoE optimizes expert utilization. The model aligns with human preferences and outperforms its predecessor, demonstrating its effectiveness across various domains and languages.

Tech Leaders

Gartner Launches Metaverse Emerging Tech Impact Radar

While these themes represent important aspects of the metaverse, neither the individual ETT highlighted, nor the themes mentioned imply product leaders should focus all investment on a specific theme. The

Cloud Cost Management and Optimization (CCMO): Cloud-Kosten laufen aus dem Ruder

Die steigende Komplexität der IT-Infrastrukturen und der Druck auf die IT-Budgets erhöhen die Notwendigkeit eines effizienten Kostenmanagements in der Cloud. Laut einer Umfrage von Boomi und Forrester Research haben viele Unternehmen Schwierigkeiten, ihre Cloud-Ausgaben zu kontrollieren und zu optimieren. Es besteht Bedarf an einer besseren Verzahnung innerhalb der Cloud-Architekturen, um die Kosten zu reduzieren.

Six Data Quality Dimensions to Get Your Data AI-Ready

The explosion of interest in generative AI and large language models since the introduction of ChatGPT suggests a shift from possibilities to implementation. To ensure successful AI initiatives, it is crucial to assess and prepare data quality across dimensions such as compliance, accessibility, access security, traceability, interpretability, and coverage. These factors drive the effectiveness of AI in achieving strategic goals.

Powering Sustainability Through Partnerships

Impact entrepreneurs and large corporations can collaborate to meet sustainability goals. Corporates can address challenges by working with start-ups. Challenges include corporate skepticism and funding issues. Effective partnerships require understanding the corporate's vision, identifying key decision-makers, and demonstrating business value. Building a collaborative culture is crucial for successful collaborations. These partnerships offer a promising future for sustainability efforts.

Should Government Be Allowed to Regulate AI?

Many experts are divided on whether government should regulate AI. Some, like Rebecca Engrav, believe regulation should address AI risks and promote societal benefit. Others, like Anand S. Rao, see government oversight as necessary to prevent AI abuse. However, some, like Barney Maccabe, question the effectiveness of government regulation and advocate for self-regulation or professional society guidance.

Engineering Trust in AI: A Human-Centric Approach

The challenges of artificial intelligence lie in trusting humans more than the technology itself. To engineer trust, the tech world needs to prioritize cultural and social aspects, listen to stakeholders, collaborate with policymakers, and prioritize governance. The US government’s new AI Safety Institute Consortium aims to set standards, reflecting the need for global collaboration in AI development.

Development Productivity in the Age of Generative AI

The rise of generative AI technology has led many AWS customers to prioritize productivity gains, focusing on both individual and team development productivity. Measures such as system and team health, CI/CD processes, and employee well-being play a crucial role in understanding and improving development productivity. Utilizing tools like Amazon Q Developer can further enhance outcomes and well-being.

Why CIOs Are Under Pressure to Innovate

As businesses increasingly rely on technology for growth, the role of the CIO has evolved into that of an innovator, going beyond managing tech systems to driving strategic business changes and improving customer experience. This shift requires a high-tech, high-touch mindset, strong leadership alignment, and broader involvement in the revenue cycle.

Repeat Offenders: Black Basta’s Latest Healthcare Cyberattack

The healthcare industry faces mounting cyberattacks, with Ascension being the latest victim of a disruptive ransomware attack. Threat actors targeting the industry continue to pose a significant threat, raising concerns about patient care and cybersecurity scrutiny. The industry is under pressure to enhance cybersecurity measures amidst limited resources, while also considering government support. __JETPACK_AI_ERROR__

More Newspapers Join the Copyright Battle Against OpenAI, Microsoft

OpenAI and Microsoft face lawsuits from eight newspapers over copyrighted material use in GenAI products, presenting fair use debates. As legal battles unfold, licensing deals could shape the future of GenAI space. Data governance policies like APRA and user community pressure may impact resolutions, while transparency and data value questions persist.

April '24


DevSecOps with a rolling main branching strategy

It shows how to integrate and use the DevSecOps capabilities with your branching strategy—by configuring the continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines with the right validations, triggers, and schedulers.

Build a search application with Amazon OpenSearch Serverless

When the user queries the front-end webpage, API Gateway passes requests to the Python Lambda function, which runs the queries on the OpenSearch Serverless collection and returns the search results. In our

Basic enterprise integration on Azure

If you use the Standard or Premium tier of API Management, Azure AD can also help secure access to the developer portal. This architecture uses two of those services: Logic Apps to orchestrate workflows, and API

How to configure AWS Migration Strategy Recommendations service and plan migration and modernization pathways for your on-premises workloads

A vCenter account is required for the AWS Discovery Connector virtual machine, which will allow it to connect to the VMware environment. The AWS Application Discovery Service is required by Strategy

Observability using native Amazon CloudWatch and AWS X-Ray for serverless modern applications

This blog post provides a detailed guide on using AWS-native observability tools, primarily Amazon CloudWatch and AWS X-Ray, to monitor modern serverless applications. These tools aid in measuring and analysing application logs, metrics, and traces. The post further explores features like custom dashboards, alarms, anomaly detection, and their compatibility with related AWS services. Also discussed are methods for training, cost optimization, security implementations, compliance, and data protection.

Open-source libraries for AI-based image processing

Artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized image processing, enabling advanced features such as facial recognition and old photo restoration. This article explores the basics of digital image processing, its applications, and popular neural network models. It also discusses AI-based image processing tools, libraries, and platforms for creating intelligent applications. With AI, businesses can unlock new opportunities in computer vision and image processing.

A Guide to API Monitoring: Strategies for Keeping Your Services Reliable

APIs are vital for digital interactions, but they can encounter issues. Monitoring them is crucial for smooth operations and user satisfaction. Key metrics for monitoring include response time, success rate, error rates, traffic, latency, throughput, and availability. Effective strategies involve alerts, health checks, log analysis, benchmarking, user-centric monitoring, security monitoring, performance trends analysis, and feedback loop.

Microsoft Fabric Co-Existing as Semantic Layer with Power BI & Snowflake

Customers have transitioned to Snowflake on AWS and Power BI on Azure, consolidating reporting/analytics platforms. This has improved operations but led to performance and cost challenges, hindering self-data service. Creating a semantic layer in Microsoft Fabric with Snowflake Mirroring is proposed as a solution, offering better performance and cost savings.

How to Navigate the Costs of Legacy SIEMS with Snowflake

Legacy SIEM solutions like Splunk are valuable for analyzing machine-generated data but their volume-based pricing can lead to high costs and difficult decisions for security teams. Snowflake offers an alternative with flexible pricing, unlimited data storage, and cost-saving data ingestion and retention options. Real success stories demonstrate remarkable cost savings with Snowflake.

Tech Leaders

The 22 Top Masterminds to Join in 2022

Being a member of many masterminds over the years, I want to outline the top 22 to join during 2022 to make it the best year of your life and business.

startup culture

Startup culture thrives on agility, risk-taking, and collaboration in a fast-paced, flat organizational structure. It fosters innovation, attracts top talent, and drives economic growth. However, maintaining this unique culture presents challenges, especially during rapid growth. Understanding startup culture's impact and challenges is crucial for professionals to drive innovation and competitiveness. [Source:]

Business and Politics Should Never Mix – Or Should They?

As CEOs increasingly speak out against right-wing extremism, a debate arises over whether companies should engage in politics at all. Some argue it is a moral responsibility to protect liberal democracy and business interests, while others oppose corporate involvement in social and political issues. The challenge lies in balancing values, economic interests, and potential backlash.

Your Dream Job May Not Exist, and That’s Okay

Passion in careers is not necessarily an inherent trait but can be developed over time. The idea of “growing” passion is more practical than solely seeking the “perfect fit” as it allows for development in diverse domains. Discovering potential, job crafting, and challenging opportunities can ignite and sustain passion, even in seemingly unlikely jobs.

Software-Defined Vehicles: Ready to Hit the Road

Software-defined vehicles (SDVs) are drastically transforming the automotive industry by shifting from hardware-based to software-centric platforms. Key benefits include customer-centric features through software updates, efficient processing and communication, reduced costs, and improved safety systems. However, security concerns and the need for generative AI (GenAI) training for autonomous driving systems remain prominent challenges.

What Is AI TRiSM, and Why Is it Time to Care?

AI TRiSM is a framework for managing AI, focusing on trust, risk, and security. Enterprises face challenges in AI adoption due to skills shortage and reliance on vendors. AI TRiSM aims to ensure accuracy, security, compliance, and explainability. It addresses AI model operations, security, maintenance, and privacy, with a need for broader adoption.

Keeping AI Projects In Check: Scoping AI Projects

The widespread integration of AI into various products and services is driven by the fear of missing out and external pressures. To ensure success, organizations should adopt a “think big, start small, iterate often” approach. By dividing big problems into smaller, manageable parts and regularly evaluating progress, AI projects can reliably deliver tangible business value.

How CIOs Should Be Managing and Reducing Technical Debt

Technical debt affects businesses of all sizes, accumulating when quick IT solutions are chosen over sustainable ones. It leads to increased costs, reduced agility, and lower morale. CIOs can mitigate it by prioritizing, allocating time for refactoring, and establishing robust coding standards. Managing technical debt strategically increases business agility and competitiveness.

How Long-Termism Can Boost Firm Performance

In a study analyzing the impact of long-termism on operational decisions, companies in states with constituency statutes increased capacity investment by 15.4% and inventory by 5.2%. This provides evidence that alleviating short-term stock market pressures benefits both executives and shareholders in the long-term. Executives must communicate long-term strategies for shareholder buy-in.

Why Your Enterprise Should Create an Internal Talent Marketplace

Internal talent marketplaces are AI-powered platforms connecting employees with career opportunities, enabling quick talent deployment and upskilling. This approach empowers employees, optimizes talent utilization, and fosters growth. However, challenges include cultural shifts and policy establishment. Nonetheless, successful implementation leads to enhanced career satisfaction, productivity, and retention, benefiting both individuals and organizations.