Rethinking API Management: Should You Unbundle, Or Is There A Better Approach?

Steve Rodda, CEO of Ambassador, discusses the debate between unbundling API management and utilizing full-suite solutions. Developers favor specialized tools, while leadership prefers comprehensive platforms. The key lies in balancing specialization and integration. Platform engineering seeks to achieve harmony by combining best-of-breed tools into a unified ecosystem, promoting productivity and minimizing obstacles.

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Top Challenges In Building Cross-Platform Apps (And How To Solve Them)

Developers face numerous challenges when creating cross-platform applications. These include maintaining performance, collaborating across teams, safeguarding user data, handling device discrepancies, and managing code functionality. Other issues involve synchronizing notifications, tailoring apps for diverse cultures, and engaging users across platforms. Overcoming these challenges requires technology-specific optimizations and careful planning.

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Understanding DevEx As A Service

Paul Stovell, CEO of Octopus Deploy, discusses the evolving role of DevOps in meeting performance benchmarks and fostering team collaboration. DevEx aims to empower developers by eliminating workflow friction and providing necessary support. DEaaS centralizes and standardizes the developer experience through an internal platform, with a focus on improving productivity and well-being.

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Uber Clone: Taxi Booking App Go Live in 10 Days

In the modern business world, convenience is crucial, and the rise of ride-hailing apps like Uber has disrupted traditional transportation. An Uber Clone app, like Uber but quicker and cheaper to develop, offers benefits such as quick deployment, cost-effectiveness, and customization. Entrepreneurs can capitalize on market trends and meet local needs by investing in this technology.

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Leading The Charge: What It Takes To Be An Elite Engineering Team

The software industry is undergoing a transformation amidst challenges and opportunities. CTOs can lead their teams to success by focusing on rapid deployment, a robust CI/CD framework, immediate feedback culture, future-ready technologies, and data-driven decision-making. Following elite team practices can make a significant impact on software delivery. (Word count: 49)

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How Senior Software Engineers Drive Business Growth – A Conversation With Vissarion Chakvetadze

About 1 in 4 businesses in the United States do not survive their first year, emphasizing the pivotal role of Senior Software Engineers in business success. Vissarion Chakvetadze, an experienced Senior Software Engineer, highlights their importance for preventing failures and shares insights on challenges faced and strategies for thriving businesses, emphasizing effective communication and prioritizing tasks for impactful results.

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Enhancing Application Audits — Ilia Zadiabin

Ilia Zadiabin, an experienced Flutter developer, shares insights on application audits in cross-platform software development. He emphasizes the importance of app audits in maintaining quality, security, and performance. Ilia also discusses strategies for balancing data collection with user privacy and the potential future integration of AI in quality control processes.

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Reflecting on 10 Years of Kubernetes: A Decade of Innovation

Kubernetes, celebrating its tenth anniversary, revolutionized infrastructure and container management. It simplified complex tasks, such as orchestrating containers, managing DNS, and certificate rotation. Fairwinds, formerly ReactiveOps, Inc., has been actively involved with Kubernetes and offers Managed Kubernetes-as-a-Service, emphasizing stability, security, and reliability. Additionally, they have developed various open source tools to address common Kubernetes environment challenges. [Word count: 62]

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Best DevOps Courses in India 2024

The article provides a comprehensive overview of the best DevOps courses with insights into top picks, course providers, key features, and FAQs. It covers the importance of DevOps, benefits of certification, and comparative analysis of courses. The content also includes detailed information about specific courses, their providers, duration, certification, and pros and cons.

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Secure-by-Design Software in DevSecOps

This post is the second in a DevSecOps architecture series, focusing on empowering software engineers to own the security of their code through technology-driven, automated processes. It explains the concept of “secure-by-design” and outlines two key components: Security Gates and Automation. The goal is to redefine “production-ready” by integrating security throughout the software development pipeline.

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Simplify Complex Development: Unleash the Power of Low-Code for Enterprise Solutions

Low-code is a powerful tool that simplifies app development. It doesn’t require extensive coding expertise and streamlines processes, saving time and money. It empowers businesses to innovate faster, adapt to changes, and build custom apps. Low-code is the future of software development, making complexity simple and accessible to all.

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How to secure GraphQL APIs: challenges and best practices

GraphQL APIs pose unique security challenges compared to traditional REST APIs due to complex query capabilities and graph structure, leading to vulnerabilities like API brute forcing, GraphQL bombs, recursive queries, schema leakage, and insecure object references. Best practices include API inventory, threat modeling, access control, input validation, rate limiting, schema whitelisting, and leveraging security tools.

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A Guide to API Monitoring: Strategies for Keeping Your Services Reliable

APIs are vital for digital interactions, but they can encounter issues. Monitoring them is crucial for smooth operations and user satisfaction. Key metrics for monitoring include response time, success rate, error rates, traffic, latency, throughput, and availability. Effective strategies involve alerts, health checks, log analysis, benchmarking, user-centric monitoring, security monitoring, performance trends analysis, and feedback loop.

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Bringing DevOps Automation to Legacy Systems

Many organizations adopt DevOps for conventional applications using automation tools like Infrastructure-as-Code and Configuration-as-Code. Integrating legacy systems with automation involves innovative practices like cloud migration, containerization, machine learning, and changing organizational mindset. This helps improve legacy software’s flexibility and quality, reducing costs, albeit with unique challenges compared to modern software automation.

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