It Ain’t Just AI: What We Saw At Google Cloud Next

Google Cloud Next showcased AI advancements four months ahead of schedule to compete with AWS and Microsoft Azure. Google highlighted Gemini for enterprise customers, but also emphasized AI integrations, infrastructure, data/analytics, and application development. The event also addressed low-code, FinOps, security, Workspace, and new AI device integrations. Many features were highlighted, but some areas lacked significant announcements.

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The Importance of Data Due Diligence

Data due diligence is crucial for acquiring or evaluating a business. It involves assessing available data to make informed decisions, ensuring data quality, security, and usability. Inadequate due diligence can lead to financial losses, legal issues, and harm to brand reputation. Best practices include setting clear goals, documenting the process, and using technology for accuracy and efficiency.

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Time for a Disaster Recovery Health Check

The COVID-19 crisis prompted a rise in remote work and edge/IoT tech adoption, challenging traditional disaster recovery (DR) plans. Decentralized sites lack dedicated IT support and may not perform regular backups. Companies should assess and update their DR plans to include edge networks and cloud services, and collaborate closely with IT vendors for comprehensive resiliency.

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What Is AI TRiSM, and Why Is it Time to Care?

AI TRiSM is a framework for managing AI, focusing on trust, risk, and security. Enterprises face challenges in AI adoption due to skills shortage and reliance on vendors. AI TRiSM aims to ensure accuracy, security, compliance, and explainability. It addresses AI model operations, security, maintenance, and privacy, with a need for broader adoption.

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Demystifying Quantum Computing: Separating Fact from Fiction

Quantum computing, utilizing qubits instead of traditional bits, promises revolutionary capabilities in cybersecurity, biology, and finance. To prepare for this quantum shift, businesses should retrain talent, embrace quantum-ready infrastructure, and recognize that general-purpose quantum computers are still years away. Early investment in quantum computing offers a competitive advantage.

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Navigating the Cloud: Key Performance Indicators for Success

The global public cloud market is set to grow significantly in the coming years, reaching a projected $679 billion in 2024. AWS’s Cloud Value Framework emphasizes the business value of cloud computing, utilizing key performance indicators (KPIs) to track progress and ensure ROI. Careful selection and tracking of KPIs are crucial for successful cloud migration and ongoing performance evaluation.

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Confronting the AI Energy Drain

AI technology has transformed modern life with voice commands and image generation. However, the demand for power and resources poses sustainability challenges. Researchers are striving to make AI greener, but industry involvement remains limited. Solutions include efficient algorithms, renewable energy use, and consumer pressure. AI’s impact on the energy grid requires ethical and regulatory considerations.

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Software-Defined Vehicles: Ready to Hit the Road

Software-defined vehicles (SDVs) are drastically transforming the automotive industry by shifting from hardware-based to software-centric platforms. Key benefits include customer-centric features through software updates, efficient processing and communication, reduced costs, and improved safety systems. However, security concerns and the need for generative AI (GenAI) training for autonomous driving systems remain prominent challenges.

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The tech industry can’t agree on what open-source AI means. That’s a problem.

The term “open-source AI” has become a focal point in the tech industry, with stakeholders like Meta and OpenAI taking contrasting approaches. The lack of a clear definition poses challenges, especially regarding access to training data and a standardized framework. Without consensus, powerful companies may exploit the concept, undermining its intended benefits and raising concerns about equitable access.

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Europe’s DMA rules for Big Tech explained

The Digital Markets Act (DMA) is now in force, targeting six tech giants in the EU, imposing limits on data use, interoperability requirements, and bans on self-preferencing. The regulation aims to make digital markets fairer, but its success in loosening Big Tech’s grip remains uncertain. The Commission faces challenges in enforcing compliance and facing pushback from gatekeepers.

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Cisco VP of AI Barak Turovsky on LLM Use Cases and IT Automation Benefits

Barak Turovsky, a prominent figure in AI and technology, has made significant contributions to Google’s products and now leads AI initiatives at Cisco. He played a key role in developing Google Pay and has a vision for AI’s impact on daily life. Turovsky’s expertise and innovative work continue to shape the future of technology.

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Towards a deeper dialogue with AI: from Co-Pilot to Co-Thinker

Generative AI, in collaboration with Thinkers50, has produced ManagementGPT, focus-ing on leadership, strategy, and innovation. Capgemini and The Oxford Character Project tested prototypes of AI Co-Thinkers to help managers engage with complex tasks. By integrating reliable content and engaging in meaningful dialogue, the tool aims to democratize management knowledge. Exciting applications still wait in unchartered territories.

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NVIDIA’s GTC 2024: A Leap Into GenAI

NVIDIA’s GTC 2024 marked a significant leap in the AI revolution. New Blackwell GPU series and DGX systems promise up to 30x performance increase for AI workloads. The event also showcased genAI-native software for diverse applications and strategic partnerships. NVIDIA’s shift from GPU to AI solutions positions it as a formidable enterprise player.

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Platform Thinking: reducing friction from ancient Rome to AI

Daniel Trabucci and Tommaso Buganza, authors of “Platform Thinking,” discuss how platform thinking can benefit businesses. They explain that platforms can facilitate fast, low-cost growth, create value from idle resources, and transform non-platform firms. They emphasize the importance of customer obsession and sharing value, and highlight the potential of platforms in addressing sustainability issues.

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