How zero trust security will revolutionize DevSecOps

DevOps and DevSecOps have created controlled, easily deployable, secure and automated development-to-production processes that allow software updates multiple times per day with less risk.

Because enterprise network security relies on static firewall rules that can only be updated in maintenance windows after a change approval process, securely deploying applications in an automated way will not work in dynamic cloud environments

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Azure DDoS Protection—2021 Q3 and Q4 DDoS attack trends

In November, Microsoft mitigated a DDoS attack with a throughput of 3.47 Tbps and a packet rate of 340 million packets per second (pps), targeting an Azure customer in Asia.

Attack vectors were UDP reflection on port 80 using Simple Service Discovery Protocol (SSDP), Connection-less Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (CLDAP), Domain Name System (DNS), and Network Time Protocol (NTP) comprising one single peak, and the overall attack lasted approximately 15 minutes.

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