The Case For U.S. Interest Rate Cuts

The Federal Reserve is expected to cut interest rates from September in response to easing core inflation, labor market slack, and a potential consumer slowdown. Factors contributing to this decision include stagnant wages, financial strains among lower-income households, and the upcoming US elections. These measures are aimed at transitioning monetary policy to a “slightly less restrictive” approach.

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U.S. Economic Growth Up, Fed Rate Cuts Coming Later

The US economy experienced strong growth, leading to a delayed expectation for interest-rate cuts by the Fed. Factors such as increased labor force participation have supported this growth, leading to higher GDP forecasts. Inflationary pressures are expected to ease slowly, influencing the timing of rate cuts by the Federal Reserve.

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Is the World Deglobalizing?

Neil Shearing, the economist at Capital Economics, discusses trouble and strength in emerging markets, India’s potential as a major economy, and the impact of geopolitical tensions on global markets. He explains the potential challenges of implementing new tax cuts in the US and the changing landscape of global trade, emphasizing a move towards fragmentation and national security concerns.

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Most New Data Center Capacity Is Still In Primary Markets

The demand for data center capacity has grown significantly due to COVID-19 and supply chain disruptions. Despite some movements to secondary markets, top markets remain crucial due to factors like critical mass, connectivity, and policy environment. Silicon Valley has lost ground to Phoenix due to improved fundamentals, but new capacity is still predominantly in primary markets.

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U.S. Resilience Scuppers The Case For Early Rate Cuts

The US economy’s strength diminishes chances of a June rate cut, with 2.5% Q1 growth and 829,000 added jobs. Surveys anticipate a slowdown contrary to official data, indicating a possible 0.5% YoY expansion. Despite expectations of a slowdown, meaningful interest rate cuts are projected, with a forecast of 75bp policy easing in 2024 and further cuts in 2025 if economic activity cools.

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Inflation Progress May Be Bumpy, But Is Likely To Continue

Inflation remains high in major economies, but there are signs of improvement. Inflation has cooled substantially, and progress is seen in reducing inflation in more major economies. The global consensus on economic growth has strengthened, suggesting a soft landing ahead. Central banks are making progress in fighting inflation. Overall, positive signs are seen for risk assets.

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Playing Demographic Divergence Now

The working-age population is shrinking in developed markets but growing in emerging markets. This demographic trend is driving sector and company dispersion. Developed markets face slower growth and higher inflation due to an aging population, while emerging markets like India and Mexico could benefit from a growing working-age population. Sectors and firms need to adapt to capitalize on these shifts.

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Resurging Corporate Profits Show Inflationary Pressures Are Reheating After Lull: Corporate Profits By Major Industry

Corporate pre-tax profits in non-financial domestic industries (excluding banks and financial companies) surged by 5.6% in Q4 from Q3, and by 10.7% year-over-year, reaching a record $2.69 trillion. The inflation surge led to increased profits, especially in durable-goods manufacturing and retail trade, reflecting companies’ ability to raise prices without losing customers.

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Fed Still Expects To Cut Rates Despite Sticky Inflation

The Federal Reserve revised its outlook for core PCE inflation in 2024, while maintaining expectations for a potential interest rate cut by year-end. Market response was positive, with bond prices rising and yield expectations for rate cuts firming. The Fed’s cautious approach was evident in revised projections, despite a persistent bias for rate cuts.

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Negative Rates No More

The Bank of Japan raised its policy rate by 0.1% after 12 years of negative rates, marking the end of the era. While BOJ ceased yield curve control and ETF purchases, its policy remains loose. Other central banks are also adjusting policies in response to inflation and economic conditions. A period of global monetary policy easing is anticipated.

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The DNA of a Warren Buffett Company

Warren Buffett emphasizes buying pieces of companies, not just stocks, based on certain key traits: economic moat, outstanding management, thoughtful capital allocation, actual earnings power, and easy-to-understand business. Examples from his investments illustrate these principles, demonstrating how focusing on these qualities can be an excellent starting point for investors.

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U.S. Sector Relevance To China

Chinese investors often focus on domestic equities, but incorporating U.S. equities can help diversify their strategies and reduce home-country bias. U.S. sectors present opportunities for global exposure and tactical strategies, especially with the upcoming presidential election. Leveraging U.S. sector indices could benefit Chinese investors amid economic challenges and market dynamics.

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What If The Fed Does Not Cut Rates This Year? Inflation’s Stickiest Mile To 2% Target

The focus on when the Federal Reserve will cut interest rates has overshadowed the possibility of no cuts in 2024. Factors such as inflation, supply chain disruptions, and wage growth present risks to the economy. Further delays in rate cuts could lead to a market reversal, affecting equities, the dollar, gold, and oil prices.

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2024 Outlook: Growing (With The) Pains

The year 2023 saw the term “soft landing” gain prominence, reflecting optimism amid economic uncertainties. While falling inflation and rising stock values may signal stability, caution is advised, as leading indicators hint at impending challenges. Investor diligence and a focus on risk management can help navigate the evolving market landscape in 2024.

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