Plant-based immunity? Study suggesting decrease in COVID-19 infection risk draws scrutiny

A study linking plant-based diets to reduced COVID-19 risk is sparking debate. The study suggests a 39% lower chance of contracting COVID-19 with a plant-based or vegetarian diet. However, experts contest the findings, citing the study’s limitations and the potential nutrient limitations of plant-based diets. Further research is deemed necessary to draw firm conclusions.

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Unlocking the secrets of fasting diets: From ancient practices to modern health solutions

An international research team reviewed fasting diets’ impacts on eating behaviors, sleep, and mood. Fasting affects serum glucose, promotes ketogenesis, and may offer physical and mental health benefits. Different fasting types show potential in addressing conditions like Alzheimer’s, heart disease, and diabetes. However, long-term effects and psychological impacts require further research. Fasting combined with proper sleep can enhance metabolism.

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From gut support to pet health: Redefining nutrition and wellness in the year to come

In 2023, the nutrition industry saw increased demand in women’s health, immunity support, brain health, mood regulation, and pet nutrition. Companies such as dsm-firmenich, FrieslandCampina Ingredients, Ingredion, and Univar Solutions discussed major developments and trends. Focus on gut health for athletes, women’s health education, sustainability, and pet nutrition emerged as key areas of interest.

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Omega-3 fats may slow fatal pulmonary fibrosis by improving lung function, study suggests

New research suggests that omega-3 fatty acids found in nuts and fish may improve lung function and slow the progression of pulmonary fibrosis. Higher omega-3 levels are associated with better lung function and longer survival in patients. However, further investigation and clinical trials are needed to understand the precise role and potential protective effects of omega-3 in pulmonary fibrosis.

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Healthy plant-based low-carb diets may benefit long-term weight management, study suggests

A study on low-carbohydrate diets emphasizes the importance of source and quality for weight management. Consuming healthy low-carb diets with plant-based proteins, healthy fats, and fewer refined carbohydrates is linked to lower long-term weight gain. The study analyzed the diets and weights of 123,332 adults over 20 years, revealing the significance of nutrient quality in maintaining a healthy body weight.

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The Mediterranean diet is the healthiest in the world for the 7th year in a row. Here’s why.

The Mediterranean diet has been ranked as the healthiest way to eat, winning the top spot for the seventh consecutive year. It emphasizes whole, unprocessed foods, healthy fats, and plenty of plants, and is linked to longevity and heart health. The DASH diet is a close contender, but the Mediterranean diet remains the top choice overall.

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High-fat diets linked to intestinal gene changes impacting immunity and metabolism

High-fat diets have been linked to gene dysregulation in the gut, impacting immunity, metabolism and susceptibility to diseases like COVID-19. Research from the University of California Riverside found a high-fat diet dysregulated genes linked to infectious diseases, inflammation, and metabolic functions, emphasizing the need to reconsider dietary habits. __JETPACK_AI_ERROR__

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Gut-brain axis: Ketogenic diet may protect children with epilepsy, study suggests

A study suggests that ketogenic diets may protect children with epilepsy by altering the gut microbiome and brain gene expression. Fecal transplants from pediatric epilepsy patients on a keto diet helped mice become more seizure-resistant. The diet’s efficacy and potential for new therapeutic approaches were highlighted, despite challenges in implementation and side effects.

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Cocoa extract supplement benefits cognition in older adults with lower diet quality

Researchers from Mass General Brigham found a potential protective effect of cocoa on the cognition of older adults with lower diet quality in a new randomized trial known as the COcoa Supplement and Multivitamin Outcomes Study (COSMOS).

The study’s findings suggest that taking cocoa extract supplements containing 500 mg of cocoa flavanols daily had cognitive benefits for older adults with lower habitual diet quality. Oddly enough, mental benefits were not found among participants with healthy dietary patterns.

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Beetroot juice supplement could improve health and enhance mobility for COPD patients, study finds

A team of London-based researchers reveal that a daily beetroot juice supplement may benefit individuals suffering from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). The 12-week study, conducted at the Royal Brompton Hospital in London, underscores the potential of beetroot juice, which is rich in nitrate, to improve health outcomes in COPD patients.

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Arginine supplements can enhance Haematococcus pluvialis astaxanthin production, study finds

Chinese Academy of Sciences researchers have discovered that arginine supplements boost the production of astaxanthin, a potent antioxidant, in the green algae Haematococcus pluvialis. Arginine was found to reduce the production of reactive oxygen species in high-light conditions, leading to better algal growth, astaxanthin levels, and lipid production by regulating certain genes related to carotenoids and lipids.

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“Snackable skin care”: Holistic health, scientific support and innovation key in ingestible beauty

The nutricosmetics market is moving mainstream, fueled by consumers’ increasing embrace of nutrition for beauty and health. Industry insiders from companies including Rousselot and Gencor highlight preventative healthcare for skin, hair, and aging as key drivers. They note a need for technically-founded product development, innovative delivery formats, and a holistic view of health. Innovations focusing on gut health, immunity support, personalisation, sleep enhancement, and “snackable skin care” are emerging, supporting the shift towards “beauty from within”. The sector also sees technology and microbiome-focused products as future growth areas.

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Wasabi offers potential health benefits from gut health to cognitive function, study discovers

Researchers have unveiled potential health benefits of Wasabi, a horseradish native to Japan. Studies indicate its potential to influence gut microbiota in obesity cases, improve memory, and manage hypertension and cardiovascular health. Despite current findings being restricted to rat populations, if replicated in humans, Wasabi could be recommended as a dietary supplement, especially for those prone to hypertension.

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