Cloud Cost Optimization: Why Architecture Is Your Magic Wand

Cloud costs are largely tied to the architecture of cloud applications, emphasizing the need for business to modernize app structures rather than outsourcing old or poorly designed systems. The high cost of cloud services is more a reflection of accumulated architectural debt than mere budgeting issues. Therefore, companies seeking to optimize cloud cost should synchronize their software architecture with cost-efficient, cloud-native features. By addressing this root issue, firms can significantly cut costs and improve operational efficiency.

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What You Need to Know About Hybrid Cloud Computing

A hybrid cloud is a versatile computing environment combining public and private clouds, on-site data centers, and edge locations. Popular due to the ability to customize security, compliance, and performance requirements, it allows organizations to move workloads adaptively. Hybrid clouds can save costs and improve Return on Investment (ROI) through elasticity. They also enhance security by allowing a tighter control over sensitive information. Misconceptions include perceived complexity and unreliability as well as unsuitability for small enterprises. Experts suggest careful evaluation, ongoing monitoring, and adaptability for successful implementation.

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Welcome To The Chip Wars, Microsoft

Microsoft has entered the semiconductor industry with its Cobalt 100 CPU and Maia AI accelerator, joining tech giants like Apple, Google, and AWS in creating their own chip designs. This shift could impact suppliers like Intel, AMD, and NVIDIA, which provide key components to Microsoft’s Azure. The rise of custom processors offers more choices for tech buyers, promotes design automation like low-code application development, and introduces risks concerning industry concentration.

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Data Observability vs. Data Quality

Data quality and data observability, while similar, serve distinct purposes in managing and utilizing data. Data quality focuses on the appropriateness and accuracy of data, employing techniques such as data cleansing and profiling for maintaining data health, resulting in accurate business decision-making. On the other hand, data observability focuses on understanding and monitoring data flows within organizations in real-time, helping detect any irregularities. Importantly, by using both carefully, organizations can avoid data corruption, make data-driven decisions, and ensure seamless transitions during data exchange.

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Tremors Originating From A California Ripple In The Enterprise Browser Market

Palo Alto Networks’ pending acquisition of Talon Cyber Security underscores the need for enhanced browser security, as outlined in Forrester’s 2022 report. Traditional browsers like Google Chrome lack enterprise-specific security features which can be provided by Talon and similar firms. Enterprise browsers, in contrast, offer greater control over user behavior, data security, and adherence to company policies, while also supporting Zero Trust strategies. The move reinforces the notion that securing the browser against potential threats is crucial to business operations.

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How Data Center Infrastructures Must Change to Support AI

Companies are increasingly adopting AI for core business activities, creating new demands on data center infrastructures. Many enterprises opt to keep AI operations on-premises for data privacy and intellectual property concerns. However, the adaptions necessary for this, including changes to processors, networking, and power usage, are substantial. Unlike previous infrastructure updates, the AI-driven shift impacts businesses of all sizes. Also, AI needs substantial data movement infrastructure, which many companies lack. Network Computing’s report discusses these challenges and potential tech solutions.

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Deepfakes Get Weaponized in the Gaza War

During the war in Gaza, artificial intelligence is being used to a new extent in the creation of propaganda, generating fake images and videos that circulate online. This has increased public suspiciousness and distrust towards media and online institutions. Though tools exist to detect these false images and videos, they are not entirely reliable, and the constant influx of fake material makes monitoring and removal difficult.

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The Evolving Cloud Landscape: How Private Clouds Are Reshaping the Tech Industry

As private cloud solutions make a resurgence, businesses can enjoy the best of both worlds, combining the security and control of private infrastructure with the scalability and flexibility of public clouds. Key benefits include cost predictability, data privacy, enhanced security, performance optimization, hybrid and multi-cloud strategies, and edge computing. The renewed interest in private clouds is driven by an evolving economic landscape, rising cloud costs, and the need for improved data control.

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How to accelerate your data monetization strategy with data products and AI

Data monetization involves creating and realizing value from data and AI assets, contributing to business growth. This technique isn’t just about selling data sets but improving business performance. Organizations should manage data as a product, with strategies built around data analytics and business intelligence. Successful data monetization entails turning raw data into data products, which can then be served and its value measured. IBM’s products offer solutions for data monetization, turning data into a strategic asset and driving business innovation.

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How to Choose a Qualified AI Adviser

To select a qualified AI advisor, business leaders should look for someone with a strong track record in AI projects and a relevant educational background. The advisor’s focus should align with the business’s specific needs, with proficiency beyond simply repeating industry buzzwords. They should be able to evaluate the readiness of a business’s data infrastructure for AI integration and measure the value that AI is generating. It’s important to note that effective advisors also understand which problems AI can’t or shouldn’t solve.

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Revamping IT for AI System Support

As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes more integrated into enterprises, IT will have to develop new workflows and skills to support it. While many IT leaders are ready to adopt AI, there is still uncertainty about readiness and potential risks. Key areas for IT’s AI responsibility include development, deployment, governance, and support. Effective AI application requires a focus on data integrity, ethical and legal considerations, collaboration, and continuous maintenance. This necessitates changes to how IT develops, deploys and maintains applications.

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Radar Trends to Watch: November 2023

growth of security-related issues in AI, such as model leeching and the Biden administration’s executive order on AI, shows a shift in AI developments from technical to legal implications. New regulations protect consumers and workers while encouraging AI advancements. Other notable updates include multifaceted AI tools and technologies, increased AI transparency, preventative techniques against model leeching, and the increasing dominance of Open Source language models. Additionally, there are significant shifts in programming, security, networks, biology, quantum computing, and robotics.

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Unleashing the Power of GenAI: Future-Proof Your Cloud Strategy

acing generative AI (GenAI) can transform business operations, instigating a surge in efficiency and productivity. However, successful integration requires a resilient cloud strategy, including scalable infrastructure, robust data management, and solid data integration. Efficiency and cost-effectiveness are paramount, with ideal cloud providers offering high-performance computing, ample storage, strong networking capabilities, and comprehensive AI support. As businesses increasingly adopt GenAI, cloud computing’s role in deploying AI models at scale is growing significantly.

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