Why serverless technology is the next big movement

Serverless computing has been revolutionizing cloud computing over the past decade, moving beyond Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) to support larger, compute-intensive workloads. As a developer-first technology, serverless enhances developer efficiency and accelerates market deployment. Open-source serverless solutions help prevent vendor lock-in. Moreover, serverless supports compute intensive applications like High-Performance Computing and AI by enabling rapid and cost-effective deployment. As serverless continues to evolve, partners like IBM and MongoDB aim to further simplify application development and management.

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Fast-Tracking Performance Issues When Migrating to the Cloud

ting to cloud computing can enhance productivity and revenue, a prospect embraced by 90% of organizations globally. While adoption is populous, successful migration often relies on strategic planning, robust infrastructure, oversight of blind spots, and potentially a hybrid approach. Nevertheless, firms may still face challenges like data accessibility in hybrid environments. As cloud services spending escalates to an estimated $597.3 billion by 2023, focus is urged on addressing performance issues to fully harvest cloud benefits.

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OpenAI Holds First Developer Conference: What It Means For Consumer Digital Experiences

held its first developer conference in November 2023, hosted by CEO Sam Altman. The company announced having 100 million weekly active users and 92% of Fortune 500 companies using their products. Updates include extended knowledge cut-off date, complex prompts support in GPT-4 Turbo, control over answer output, customization for niche applications, reduced prices, and the launch of a GPT store. The updates are expected to expand use cases, reduce risk, and create opportunities for third-party developers.

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The history of Kubernetes

, a leading open-source container orchestration platform, was engineered at Google in 2013 to automate the deployment, management, and scaling of containerized apps. It revolutionized cloud-native infrastructure, despite originating from traditional IT and virtual IT infrastructure. Kubernetes’ history includes the development of its predecessor, Borg, and the incorporation of Docker’s open-source containerization. Today, it is used by 71% of Fortune 100 companies and it’s predicted over 90% of worldwide organizations will be employing containerized applications by 2027.

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Empowering AI and ML with Data Virtualization

Data virtualization plays a pivotal role in the data-driven economy by eliminating physical storage needs and presenting real-time consolidated data views from multiple sources. It optimizes AI and ML technologies by breaking data silos, facilitating real-time processing, enhancing security, and reducing costs. Consequently, it allows for improved data availability, future-proof data integration, scalability, data verification, cost-efficiency, and an enhanced customer experience.

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Exploring Cloud Crisis Management Solutions

In a webinar, Sherelle Moore, CEO of Cyion Cyber, and Vince Hwang, Senior Director at Fortinet, outlined key stages of cloud crisis management. Focusing on risk assessment, crisis leadership, planning, and communication, Moore suggests regular review and updates of plans to maintain business continuity and disaster recovery. Meanwhile, Hwang emphasizes planning from a procurement perspective to balance costs and ensure speedy recovery. The main goal is to prepare for inevitable cyber crises, maintain effective communication lines, and ensure business continuity.

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Can AI Ever Become Capable of Original Thought?

Although AI has made impressive strides in speech recognition, natural language processing, and image creation, it lacks the ability to generate original thoughts, as it operates primarily on algorithms and data. While AI can produce novel outcomes, whether this qualifies as original thinking is a matter of debate. Experts suggest that for AI to mirror human originality, major breakthroughs in understanding and translating human consciousness and cognition into computational models would be required.

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Unleashing the Power of AI By Leveraging Unstructured Data

AI advancements offer a solution to organizations struggling to extract value from volumes of unstructured data, such as emails, contracts, and meeting transcripts. AI can process these large datasets, uncover trends and insights, automate repetitive tasks, and even generate content. Despite potential security concerns, it has the potential to dramatically enhance productivity and innovation if effectively harnessed.

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Digital Twins are now faster and easier to deploy with AWS. Are you ready?

Amazon’s AWS IoT TwinMaker simplifies the creation of Digital Twins, virtual replicas of real world systems, enabling better operational insights for organizations using IoT devices. Digital Twins offer enhanced visibility, boosting productivity by augmenting traditionally static data with spatial and temporal inputs. This technology can streamline issue identification within complex indoor environments, and has diverse applications across various industries. Digital Twins can also integrate with advanced Artificial Intelligence for more sophisticated use cases.

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Release Generative AI Solutions Without Testing Them Comprehensively At Your Peril

Generative AI, akin to other software needs thorough testing. Concerns include potential non-compliance with organization’s protocols and costly human intervention in controlling outcomes. Testing of Generative AI, however, is complex and less mainstream. Some proposed measures include leveraging test benchmarks, adversarial testing, and test case prompting for Large Language Models. Collaboration in improving Generative AI outcomes is encouraged.

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Techno-Optimists, ‘Atlas Shrugged,’ and Elitism of Ideas

Marc Andreessen has published a “Techno-Optimists Manifesto” encouraging support for technology as a tool for progress. Despite potential ethical, safety, and socioeconomic issues, Andreessen urges the embrace of artificial intelligence and advocates for decentralization in markets. He compares technology’s potential benefits to facing increased control by a techno-capitalist-feudal elite.

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Radar Trends to Watch: October 2023

AI, legal issues, and programming developments dominate current technology trends. Developments include AI tools tackling legal challenges facing users, AI voice chat, measuring racial bias, robots with large behavior models, and generative AI for music. Google and Microsoft announce exciting updates, while advanced programming applications optimize prompt creation. Security issues persist and new privacy concerns arise regarding connected cars. Emerging decentralized web projects, RISC-V investments, quantum computing advancements, and DIY diabetes management tools also make headlines.

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Responisble AI in Finance

AI is deeply ingrained in the financial sector, influencing operations and customer experiences. The responsible use of AI is crucial, especially in heavily-regulated fields like finance. Implementing AI responsibly involves identifying potential issues early, creating ethical guidelines, educating employees, and persistently assessing risk. Five key principles for responsible AI use include maintaining a human-centric approach, understanding your company’s readiness for AI, building trust, remaining agile, and acting intentionally.

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