Are Teams Better Than Individuals at Getting Work Done?

When it comes to getting work done, two heads are better than one. Except when they aren’t. A new study from Wharton professor of operations, information and decisions Duncan Watts digs into the question of whether it’s better for employees to work in teams or alone — and the answer may be surprising for managers trying to figure out the best way to assign tasks.

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What to Do With Contrarians?

Does this situation sound familiar? You’re sitting in a meeting, and you and your colleagues are energetically discussing how to handle an important issue or challenge. Ideas and suggestions are bouncing around so fast that the designated note-taker can barely keep up.

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12 IT skills paying the highest premiums today

As IT jobs grow increasingly complex, there’s more ambiguity surrounding how job titles are defined by any given company and how employers can compensate candidates in the same role with varying skillsets. Pay premiums help employers track the value of specific skills, so they know how competitive the market is for candidates with those skills and how much to offer on top of the base salary.

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2021 Data/AI Salary Survey

In June 2021, we asked the recipients of our Data & AI Newsletter to respond to a survey about compensation. The results gave us insight into what our subscribers are paid, where they’re located, what industries they work for, what their concerns are, and what sorts of career development opportunities they’re pursuing.

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Why You Need Kubernetes for a Thriving DevOps Culture

Thanks to DevOps, high-performing IT companies are more reliable and agile than ever before. As these businesses cater to the ever-expanding needs of their customers, they trust DevOps to deliver essential technology solutions—from around-the-clock version control and continuous deployment and integration to proactive monitoring of production environments.

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All the Feels: How Companies Can Benefit from Employees’ Emotions

“There’s no crying in baseball!” shouts a red-faced Tom Hanks at a tearful outfielder in one of the most memorable scenes from the 1992 movie A League of Their Own . It’s a moment that often plays out in the office, where employees are expected to button up their emotions and tamp down their feelings to maintain professional poise

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Making sense of Microsoft’s new certifications scheme

Over the past few years Microsoft has dramatically changed its approach to certification, moving away from qualifications connected to specific products to instead align them with common job roles. The idea is to provide experience-based learning delivered and assessed in small chunks, rather than forcing IT pros to cram for a long, theoretical exam every few years. “We rebooted certifications around the modern jobs and roles that people have, as developers, as IT pros,” Jeff Sandquist, corporate vice president of developer relations at Microsoft, told “We worked with a set of industry partners and with various companies and enterprises [to ask]: What are the job tasks you need; what is that skill completion?

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CSM certification: What you need to know

CSM certification Agile practices are being rapidly adopted in project and product management across many industries, and the Scrum master is an important leadership role in agile development. The Certified ScrumMaster (CSM) certification, available through the Scrum Alliance, is an entry-level certification aimed at providing professionals with an awareness of the methodologies and values of Scrum, including team performance, accountability, and iterative progress.

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Rebooting the Digital Workplace

Organizations are embracing technology to optimize individual and team productivity, collaboration, and the employee experience at large. The abrupt, COVID-19-driven shift to remote work as the default for much of the labor force has altered work as we know it—and with the work-from-home cat out of the bag, it could prove challenging to coax these professionals back to prepandemic levels of in-office work.

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