Dymatize and Dunkin’ unveil high-performance protein powder range for fitness

Performance nutrition brand Dymatize has partnered with Dunkin’ to launch a glazed donut-flavored whey protein isolate named ISO100. Each 25 g serving comprises 120 calories and 1 g of sugar, promising ultra-fast absorbing protein for fitness enthusiasts. The flavor completes a range of cookie and confectionery-themed proteins aimed at enhancing sports performance.

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Grains, nuts and seeds: Functional snacking and meals uplifted with sprouted and activated ingredients

The market has seen a surge in demand for ancient grains such as quinoa, amaranth, and others due to their fiber and blood sugar-regulating properties. Big Bold Health introduced Himalayan tartary buckwheat sprout powder in the US, which boasts high levels of immune-supporting phytonutrients. KosmodeHealth Singapore, in collaboration with Nestlé, is turning spent barley grains into noodles with blood sugar management properties. Additionally, ProV Foods launched pre-soaked nuts in India, eliminating the traditional overnight soaking process and offering immediate consumption.

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Vegans versus omnivores: Identical twins study links plant-based diets to better heart health and aging

A eight-week trial comparing vegan and omnivore diets in 22 pairs of identical twins found the vegan diet improved cardiovascular health and correlated to healthy aging. This was linked to higher fiber and lower saturated fat intake, leading to a reduction in LDL-cholesterol levels, insulin, and body weight. Despite contrary research highlighting the nutrient density of animal products, the study suggests those choosing a vegan diet can enhance their long-term health within two months, potentially even boosting longevity.

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Trans-vaccenic acid in red meat and dairy enhances anti-tumor immunity, research reveals

New research has uncovered that trans-vaccenic acid (TVA), a long-chain fatty acid found in meat and dairy, improves immune cell function and anti-tumor immunity, potentially complementing cancer treatments. Higher levels of TVA in patients’ blood enhanced their response to immunotherapy. Despite this, researchers warn against increasing red meat and dairy consumption due to known negative health effects, suggesting that bioactive nutrient supplements may be more effective. They also suggest plant nutrients might activate the same pathway as TVA.

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Embracing veganism: Experts tout weight loss and cholesterol reduction benefits of plant-based diets

A study by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) indicates that substituting animal products with plant-based alternatives results in weight loss, lower cholesterol and reduced fat intake among overweight adults. The adoption of a vegan diet may also sustain weight loss over long periods. The report suggests a plant-based diet, rich in grains, beans, fruits, and vegetables, is a viable weight-loss solution.

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Scientists suggest restricting “essential” amino acid may be key to extending lifespan

Researchers have found that reducing the intake of the amino acid isoleucine increased the lifespan and health of mice. The study shows a 33% lifespan increase for male mice and 7% for females. The effects included loss of weight, fat mass, and improved glycemic control and energy expenditure. Though promising, further studies are required to validate similar results in humans, according to lead author Dudley Lamming, a metabolism researcher at the University of Wisconsin.

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Diabetes prevention: Exploring the latest natural solutions and innovations

As the incidence of type 2 diabetes rises, efforts are intensifying to find natural solutions. Dairy may affect diabetes risk, and certain herbs and supplements can have anti-diabetes effects. However, current treatments have drawbacks, and personalized treatments may be the future of diabetes management. Therefore, companies like Valio, Ingredients by Nature, Nutrartis, and PharmaLinea are researching food solutions for diabetics, herbal remedies, and lifestyle changes supplemented by natural products, attempting to create better treatment options.

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Innovations in dairy proteins: How industry is evolving to meet holistic health and functional nutrition needs

The dairy protein market is diversifying, with innovations focusing on holistic health and functional nutrition. To meet the demand, producers are creating formulas with more nutritional value and improved taste. Launches of sports nutrition products with dairy-based proteins increased by 13% in the last two years, with health-centric consumers driving growth. Experts also observe trends towards plant-based alternatives and increased personalization in dairy protein products. Challenges include meeting consumer expectations for taste and texture while also enhancing the nutritional profile.

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Brain imaging identifies satiety signaling pathway with potential to improve weight loss drugs’ efficacy

A new study reveals that brain cells, activated by the taste of food, signal the body to stop eating, not the stomach’s fullness. These are the same cells targeted by specific weight loss drugs. The research further discovered two pathways that constrain eating speed and quantity. The findings could enhance our understanding of obesity treatment and the functionality of GLP1 weight-loss drugs.

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Diabetes prevention: Exploring the latest natural solutions and innovations

As the global incidence of type 2 diabetes increases, industry experts are exploring natural health solutions. Leading figures from Valio, Ingredients by Nature, Nutrartis and PharmaLinea discuss utilizing dairy for diabetes risk reduction, herbal alternatives and the utilization of scientifically validated supplements. The experts emphasize the need for personalized, natural treatments, citing the potential of specific plants, foods and lifestyle modifications for healthy blood glucose management.

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Promoting healthier eating habits among school kids by leveraging potato shapes

Researchers from Brigham Young University suggest that serving vegetables with potatoes shaped like smiley faces can increase children’s vegetable consumption. The study, published in Nutrients, found serving peas and carrots in the same bowl as these potato faces led to kids consuming 8.77g more vegetables. Despite already recommended dietary guidelines, most school-aged children in America only eat one cup of vegetables daily opposed to the suggested 2.5 to three cups.

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Discounting fresh produce by 30% leads to higher healthy consumption, study finds

A study by the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai found that implementing discounts on healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, and non-caloric beverages notably improves their consumption. Despite no significant change in clinical measures like body weight, the findings suggest the importance of cost factors in dietary choices and propose food subsidies as a way to increase accessible nutrition.

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Clearing up confusion: Expert talks research and knowledge gaps into healthy and sustainable diets

In an interview at the Free From Food show, Dr. Jenneke Heising outlined challenges in establishing what defines healthy and sustainable diets. Misunderstandings range from consumers’ interpretation of “processed foods” to food labeling’s focus on individual ‘healthy’ details. She advocates for improved communication and changes in the food system, alongside better consumer education on sustainability. Heising also discussed ongoing research at Wageningen University into alternative proteins and plant-based meat analogs.

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