encryption key management

Encryption key management involves generating, protecting, and distributing encryption keys to safeguard data. Enterprises must effectively manage encryption keys to prevent unauthorized access and meet regulatory compliance. Best practices include secure storage, key rotation, and implementation of standards like KMIP. Recent advancements include AWS Key Management Service for cloud data protection. [Word count: 52]

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Human Centricity: The Future Of IT Experience Monitoring

The current approach to IT experience monitoring is fragmented, costly, and difficult to manage. Forrester proposes a solution: human-centric experience monitoring. This approach shifts the focus from discrete technologies to users’ journeys, considering factors like personalization, predictive remediation, and natural language processing. Forrester outlines six key differentiators in their report “The Future Of IT Experience Monitoring Is Human-Centric.”

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Crossing the Data Divide: Data Catalogs and the Generative AI Wave

Large language models (LLM) are set to disrupt and reshape data cataloging, challenging traditional data catalog value propositions and success metrics. The emergence of generative AI and intelligent data assistants presents new opportunities for transforming data catalog platforms into narrative-driven interfaces, promising a revolutionary user experience. Data leaders are advised to invest in rich metadata collection and consider piloting data assistants alongside traditional catalog UI.

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Why Amazon Will Come Out Ahead In The Generative AI Race

Amazon’s generative AI strategy sets it apart in the competitive landscape, leveraging its cloud infrastructure strength and strategic partnerships. The company’s focus on diverse AI models, cloud market leadership, and application layer innovation positions it favorably against rivals like Google and Microsoft, reshaping the future of generative AI.

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Quick Study: Optimizing Cloud Spending

Many organizations are drawn to cloud services by the promise of cost savings, but unexpected expenses can quickly add up. InformationWeek provides insights from experts on optimizing cloud spending, including tactics for cost reduction, the role of FinOps in efficient usage, and the impact of cloud-native architectures on investments.

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Can Generative AI and Data Quality Coexist?

Generative AI and data quality are not only able to coexist, but their synergy is vital for optimal performance. The effectiveness of AI systems depends heavily on data quality, and ethical and governance challenges emphasize the need for high-quality, compliant data. The future will require a proactive commitment to data quality and governance in preparation for generative AI adoption.

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Regulations, cybersecurity and AI concerns dominate enterprise concerns

In an era of shifts, David Critchley anticipates five key trends for 2024: expanded cybersecurity regulations, heightened healthcare cyberattacks, critical infrastructure threats, enhanced asset inventory management regulations, and the urgent need for AI integration in cybersecurity. Organizations need to proactively adapt to these challenges for resilience in the evolving landscape.

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judgement scale and gavel in judge office

The impact of AI on copywriting — predictions for 2024

In 2024, gen AI will continue to grow in importance for copywriters and content creators. It is essential to stay informed about AI developments, as it will increasingly impact SEO, content production, and audience engagement. While AI brings efficiency, human writers will still be essential for creativity, emotional resonance, and ensuring ethical and accurate content.

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Looking Ahead To AI In 2024

Generative AI’s rapid integration heralds a transformative 2024, embedding into various products and services while raising challenges like bias and misinformation. The ubiquity of AI will raise expectations for user-friendly applications across sectors. The market will witness dynamic shifts with vendors adding AI to enhance products, leading to potential dissatisfaction and stricter regulations globally. As the initial AI euphoria subsides, a more realistic and responsible approach towards AI’s capabilities and ethical implications will emerge.

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Key AI Trends to Look For in 2024

In 2023, few foresaw the impact AI would have. Now, experts predict 2024 AI trends: LLMs leading to AGIs, stronger cyber defense vs. crafty attackers, multi-modal AI, generative AI advances, disruptive data analysis, AI in shopping, deepfakes proliferation, professional content creation, AI in software engineering, and AI governance strengthening. These trends will shape the future of AI in IT and business.

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Hot Jobs in AI/Data Science for 2024

AI and data science professionals are in high demand due to the boom in AI models. Job roles like AI-adjacent talent, prompt engineers, LLM and NLP engineers, and emerging AI positions are on the rise. The industry is evolving, and employees with AI skills will become more valuable as AI continues to change job roles.

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The Top 10 Infrastructure Trends That Matter In 2023

A new report titled “Top 10 Trends In Infrastructure” highlights the crucial nature of technology infrastructure for enterprises worldwide. Key trends include AI-optimized infrastructure facing chip shortages, hyperscalers targeting specialized infrastructure, mainstream adoption of serverless technology shifting towards the edge and IoT, and the growing importance of sustainability initiatives in shaping infrastructure demands. These trends are essential for technology infrastructure leaders to consider as they plan for the future.

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How to build a successful AI strategy

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing industries by automating tasks that required human intelligence. This change is spawning innovation and reshaping business operations. An effective AI strategy helps organizations navigate AI implementation complexities, aligning technology with business goals. Such strategies involve deep data analysis, process optimization, or enhancing customer experiences. A robust AI plan ensures adoption aligns with business objectives, providing a roadmap for addressing challenges, building capabilities, and integrating AI strategically and responsibly into the organization. Those embracing AI now are set to thrive, adapting swiftly to technological advancements and optimizing processes for growth.

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How to build a successful hybrid cloud strategy

Hybrid cloud has emerged as a preferred IT infrastructure, offering interoperability and portability for on-demand data access. Building and managing such an environment comes with challenges. To maximize value, leaders must strategize around core objectives. It involves integrating public, private, and on-premises infrastructure, utilizing orchestration tools for unified deployment and management. Key to this strategy is aligning with business needs, determining cloud migration necessities, assessing workloads, and choosing appropriate cloud partners, all while ensuring robust security and compliance.

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