CIOs Battle Growing IT Costs with Tools, Leadership

Chief Information Officers (CIOs) face the challenge of optimizing IT budgets while driving growth and digital initiatives. Kris Bliesner emphasizes the importance of cost visibility and tracking IT investments. Sharon Mandell suggests evaluating hidden costs and implementing strategy-aligned software approval processes. Bob Feller advises on axing wasteful SaaS apps and consolidating services. Strategic AI investment can streamline processes and enhance decision-making.

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An Essential Leadership Skill For The 21st Century

Leaders face increasingly complex technological decisions with significant consequences, particularly regarding ethical implications. Technoethics, integrating moral principles into technology use, has become essential for organizational success, influencing financial results and societal benefit. However, it remains a low priority for many leaders, despite its potential to mitigate risks and drive market performance.

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How Gamification Can Help Your Business

Gamification incorporates gameplay elements into business environments to drive user engagement and motivation, ultimately improving productivity and learning retention. Used for employee training, customer engagement, and product knowledge, it must be carefully implemented to avoid reinforcing undesirable behaviors. While personalized approaches remain crucial, the future holds expanded gamification usage, driven by technology advancements and evolving workforce expectations.

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Demystifying Responsible AI For Business Leaders

In a recent survey, 90% of business leaders stressed the importance of ethical AI use, but few understand what it means. This highlights the need for broad discussion on responsible AI use to ensure customer trust. IT professionals face ethical concerns in ownership, privacy, and accuracy, as AI regulations are yet to catch up with its rapid advancement. Despite this, the risk of AI creation is justified if done ethically, as recognized by a global IBM study.

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Haggling Over the Future of AI Regulation and Responsibility

The panel at AI x Future of Work Summit discussed concerns about the implications of increasing AI use, including job disruption and the spread of misinformation. The panelists stressed the necessity of AI regulation, despite the potential distraction for tech founders. The tech industry was advised not to anticipate unwritten legislation, but to focus on existing regulations relating to employment, privacy, and data security. The discussion also highlighted potential issues like the unintentional disclosure of proprietary information and copyright infringement via AI tools.

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How Overconfidence Affects CEOs’ Investment Decisions

Recent research indicates that overconfident CEOs tend to invest less in assets that allow for strategic flexibility (real options) compared to their less confident counterparts. When facing high market uncertainty, overconfident CEOs underestimate uncertainty and make more irreversible commitments, in contrast with non-overconfident CEOs who maintain strategic flexibility. The study also shows that overconfident CEOs may result in both performance extremes and higher performance volatility.

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Becoming a Disruptive IT Leader Without Alienating Staff and Colleagues

Disruptive leaders, known for bold and innovative action, risk causing disarray and losing support if they overcommit to disrupting norms. Leadership in transformation requires a balance, says Jason Birmingham, CTO of Broadridge Financial Solutions. Effective leaders build an open environment allowing disruptive changes, manage small, consistent increments of change, and communicate a comprehensive vision to their teams, inspiring them to overcome challenges associated with transformation and avoid fear-impeding creativity.

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How Networks Actually Harm Organisations

INSEAD professor Jason Davis, in his podcast, discusses how networking for individual gains can harm companies. His “network agency theory” suggests that personal networking interests may not align with organizational needs, causing issues like overcommitment, insufficient trust, ineffective intermediary roles, and information flow bottlenecks. Davis recommends strategic network management at key employee stages and focused networking skills training as potential solutions.

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Optimize Digital Budgets, Service Providers, And Skills — Or Lose The Digital Race

A Forrester survey on digital strategy emphasizes the importance of allocation of digital budgets for business success. It highlights key practices such as developing internal competencies, working with reliable service providers, and ensuring alignment on budget priorities among stakeholders. The findings revealed a necessity for in-house expertise and proper knowledge transfer to stay competitive amid economic uncertainties. Digital budgets are increasing across all sectors despite potential economic challenges.

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AI Is Deepening the Digital Divide

AI’s promise of benefiting all is threatened by a growing digital divide between the more and less digitally empowered regions globally, exacerbating the lack of participation, skills, and accessibility, especially in developing regions. Key stakeholders in AI must address this disparity by setting fundamental AI standards, empowering the underrepresented, ensuring diverse representation in AI discussions, scrutinizing data use in AI systems, discussing impacts candidly, and redefining the qualifications for AI professionals.

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AI Is Coming for All Our Jobs… Or Is It?

A webinar organised by digital@INSEAD discussed the impact of AI tools on the workforce. Although AI can replace certain tasks, creative and culturally sensitve tasks less affected. The panellists emphasised the importance of finding suitable applications for AI and fostering greater workplace inclusivity. As AI continues to advance, leaders and employees must build their skills to leverage it effectively. The panel acknowledged issues like trust, confidentiality, and governance as hurdles businesses must overcome.

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IT Leaders Still Grapple With Permanent Temporary Solutions

Businesses often face a challenge of delivering transforming solutions under tight deadlines and smaller budgets, leading to the delivery of temporary solutions over strategic needs. The article addresses this issue, highlighting the role of Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) in empowering companies to adopt technology without overcommitment. These MVPs act as a proof of concept, fostering collaboration, reducing costs, and offering risk mitigation while promoting exploration and optimization of design and delivery.

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The Secret Ingredient For a Successful Career Change

Technological advancements and shifts in economy pose a risk to job stability, requiring workers to adapt and acquire new skills. The ability to successfully switch careers depends on one’s perception of the meaning derived from their work. Individuals who view this meaning as transferrable tend to rebound from job loss more effectively and are open to career diversification. Managers could assist this transition by aligning the sense of meaning in old and new roles.

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