Refilling the Creativity Tank

This Week In Writing, we discuss what happens when creativity finds other outlets.

Photo by Bluewater Sweden on Unsplash

We’re getting closer to the longest night of the year, and somehow, my days are getting longer. I’ve been capital-B busy lately, focusing on many new projects at work. My role is changing, and I’ve been tapping into more creativity lately. It’s a lot of fun, but it’s also draining in all the best ways.

I’m at my best when I can tap into creativity to improve systems or solve problems. You may have noticed that based on my writing here. However, with my new focus at work, I’m finding there is less brain-power for my extra-curricular creativity.

It’s not writer’s block. It’s not a lack of ideas. It’s more of a brain drain that requires relaxation and restoration to recharge. When this happens, I tend to consume a lot more than I create. It’s a way for me to experience the creativity in others, which is one way I refuel myself.

So, today, I want to share some of the things I’ve been doing lately to tap into other people’s creativity. Maybe you’re in a similar spot and will find something on the list below helpful to power up your creative muscles.

Hit reply and share your preferred ways to refill the creativity tank.


I bought a Black Friday Xbox so I could finally play Starfield. Fallout 3 is one of my favorite video games ever made, and Starfield is basically Fallout in space. The storyline is pretty interesting and keeps unfolding to reveal aliens? Maybe? I have no idea. But, I’m enjoying it.

Candlelight Processional

It’s the holiday season at Disney, which means Candlelight is back at EPCOT! Take a celebrity narrator, add the Voices of Liberty, a few hundred-member choir, and a full orchestra and you’ve got the amazing Candlelight Processional. It’s impossible to leave Candlelight without feeling in awe of artistic talent.

Unique Websites

I’ve been seeing a lot of fun websites designed to feel old-school. It’s a trend I’m very interested in, and I hope it’s adopted en mass (it’s something I’ve been playing with for the future of my site)…

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