Tech Tools Take On Workplace Equity

New technology solutions are enabling organizations that want to take a closer look at how they address workplace diversity, equity, and inclusion opportunities and challenges. Using these tools may also create new considerations requiring ethical decision-making and actions. Even before social justice protests drew the world’s attention in the summer of 2020, business leaders understood the case for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).

Source: Tech Tools Take On Workplace Equity

But those events spurred many organizations to elevate DEI as a business imperative. In fact, one Deloitte survey shows that 96% of CEOs now consider workplace DEI a strategic priority.

While HR professionals often lead DEI strategies, technology leaders can play a critical role in designing, developing, and executing DEI technology tools to address increasingly complex workforce challenges. Tech leaders can provide the expertise needed to reengineer data collection, storage, and processing, and provide the technical and strategic vision needed to design, select, and integrate technology solutions, eventually embedding them into the organization’s technology stack and processes to drive DEI across the workplace.

DEI Tools Can Help Address Workforce Challenges

A growing number of software vendors offer point solutions to support elements of an organization’s DEI strategy. Likewise, some human capital management suites offer cloud-based analytics and dashboards that can be customized to support DEI across the talent life cycle, providing a more holistic view of the organization’s progress and opportunities. Below are a few examples of how organizations have been using technology tools to support DEI outcomes:

  • Recruitment and advancement. Natural language processing (NLP) can identify and address biased language in job postings. Organizations may use candidate search platforms to uncover hidden pools of qualified, diverse candidates. AI-enhanced tools can help managers objectively identify “optimal” candidates for jobs or promotions.
  • Leadership and culture. Organizational network analysis and social platforms can help encourage inclusion and belonging within work groups. Machine learning (ML) and NLP can support more objective performance reviews, while behavioral assessment tools can point out changes needed to develop more inclusive leaders.
  • Measurement and insights. Data and analytics tools can help leaders establish organizational baselines, measure progress, and deliver actionable insights. Advanced analytics, data visualization, and interactive dashboards can be used to monitor DEI KPIs, including compensation and advancement equity. Forecasting models can predict which workers are likely to leave so that managers can proactively intervene.

Considerations When Deploying DEI Tech

DEI technology tools can deliver meaningful insights, metrics, and especially data that provide the objectivity and credibility to propel DEI strategies. But even the best tools rely on humans to make informed ethical decisions followed by meaningful action:

Be prepared to address issues that may come to light. Before collecting sensitive data, work with legal and HR advisors to plan how the data will be used, including actions that may be needed for potential unfavorable findings; having knowledge of inequities without following through on planned remediations may increase any legal liabilities for the organization.

Take advantage of existing data. Many organizations have a vast amount of useful workforce data that can be used to identify opportunities and evaluate DEI outcomes; however, it’s important to consult with legal and privacy teams beforehand to understand whether, and how, previously collected data may be used for various purposes.

Tread carefully with gathering new data. Consult with the organization’s legal and privacy teams to understand what, if any, notices to or consents from employees may be appropriate, as well as how personal data may be used and safeguarded. Some people may be uncomfortable sharing DEI-related information, so allow workers to opt in, with the assurance that participation is optional, and be transparent about how the information will be used. Consider masking information so that it cannot be connected to an individual, while still providing aggregate information that’s useful for decision-making.

Solicit diverse feedback on DEI tools. With many new technologies entering the DEI market, some tools, especially those with AI/ML capabilities, may reinforce or introduce new biases. When considering new DEI technologies, encourage and act on feedback from diverse teams that can think critically about the tool to detect unexpected problems and understand others’ sensitivities.


DEI technology tools can help provide the objectivity and credibility needed to advance DEI strategies, but they depend on humans to follow through. Technology, used appropriately, can support human objectivity, consistency, and fairness, but it will work only when backed by ongoing leadership commitment to building a diverse workforce, equitable environment, and inclusive culture.

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