The Composable Enterprise: A Flexible Approach To Digital Transformation

Rich Waldron is the CEO and co-founder of , a leader in low-code general workflow automation. The promise of software as a service (SaaS) led to an ever-expanding sea of point solutions — and the enterprise is drowning.

Source: The Composable Enterprise: A Flexible Approach To Digital Transformation

While there has been an increase in the supply of SaaS solutions, there continues to be an increase in demand for new technologies as IT organizations continue to navigate the challenges of digital transformation. IT experts at Gartner Original Postress-releases/2021-08-02-gartner-says-four-trends-are-shaping-the-future-of-public-cloud#:~:text=Gartner%20forecasts%20end%2Duser%20spending,less%20than%2017%25%20in%202021." target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">predict spending on cloud applications will grow 21.7% in 2022, in excess of $480 billion. However, as organizations increase the size and scale of their tech estate, they are increasingly finding themselves at the mercy of their own expanding set of tools. 

There are countless software solutions on the market today, and many are quite good at what they’re intended to do as point solutions. However, any individual software product will tend to have gaps when measured against your organization’s unique processes and needs. As organizations acquire more and more tools with more and more gaps, they begin to amass technical debt. Technical debt is the opportunity cost of continuing to manually navigate your current system and its shortfalls, rather than taking the admittedly costly and frequently painful path of rebuilding your systems from scratch to work as efficiently as they should. 

As you might expect, when companies continue to adopt new technologies, each solution having its own individual quirks, their overall technical debt grows. As technical debt grows, mission-critical processes slow to a crawl, and brilliant team members across the entire organization find themselves taken away from the company's overall strategy, and fixating on the manual workarounds that will barely get them through the day. Teams get burned out, projects get delayed and digital transformation initiatives see setback after setback.

Composable Enterprise 101

The Covid-19 pandemic has re-emphasized the importance of digital transformation. As companies have spent the past year transitioning to distributed teams, organizations have keenly experienced the immediate need to also transition their tools to the cloud. Moreover, as distributed teams have become the new normal, the ability for workers to accomplish tasks effectively and efficiently has become significantly more important.

Perhaps in response to the increasing pain of technical debt caused by relying on all these tools, Gartner has introduced a different model for business technology: the composable enterprise. The idea is relatively simple: Build the functional foundation of an organization from “building blocks” that are interchangeable, tweakable and give users the ability to make adjustments as they go. 

Arguably, with the flexibility of interchangeable tools comes the true essence of digital transformation: modularity, autonomy, orchestration and discovery. The composable enterprise enables organizations to fully capitalize on the effectiveness of SaaS apps and tools while maximizing their value, by assembling the critical components into fully scoped and customized business processes. With the additional flexibility comes the ability to adapt to changing market conditions faster, along with the ability to respond to customers faster to grow retention. 

Important Considerations For Building The Composable Enterprise

Hopefully, the value of the composable enterprise is becoming clear. However, as you might expect, transitioning to a different model is easier said than done. It’s worth considering the following factors before moving forward:

1. What does your current technology stack look like?

It’s common for decision-makers to acquire new technology (or stick with suboptimal apps) based on reasons that have little to do with solving business pain. Businesses still frequently address their changing needs by simply acquiring more software applications. As a result, different teams increasingly find their processes dictated by the capabilities and gaps in their particular software tool choices. If the tools in your stack can’t execute an important process you need, you tend to spend extra hours during the week on a manual workaround. Carefully evaluate your current tech stack to better understand your technical debt.

2. What can be automated?

More software with more gaps leads to more manual work. Today, many business users spend additional time each week manually moving data between applications. Automation could help reduce this extra time, leaving workers time to do more strategic work. Automating certain processes, especially when it comes to data, could aid in efficiency and ultimately speed up various businesses processes. By automating this more tedious work, you can successfully scale these processes, as such work cannot be fully scaled manually. As a result, more organizations are turning to automation solutions to realize significantly faster time to value as well as a greater return on investment when implementing new tools.

If the last year-plus has taught us anything, it’s that businesses must be prepared for significant, sudden changes. Having the agility to navigate unexpected conditions such as the pandemic can mean the difference between being able to adapt or being overwhelmed and understaffed. The composable enterprise model could be the key to unlocking the speed and flexibility your business needs to adapt to changing markets.