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Three Digital Retail Experience Trends To Watch Out For In 2022

Chris Shalchi is President and CEO of Mavecca Group, an advisory, research & services agency specializing in E-commerce. 

Consumers are growing more dissatisfied with impersonal, rigid shopping experiences and are gravitating more toward innovations designed, seemingly, just for them alone. They want rapid access to their purchases. They also want swift and timely communications from retailers. Customers will inevitably spend more with retailers that continue to put their demands first, such as same-day and free shipping. Likewise, flexible omnichannel experiences are highly coveted, in addition to innovative payment solutions such as buy online, pick up in store and buy now, pay later. Anticipated 2022 digital retail trends are all about innovations in perfecting personalized omnichannel consumer experiences.

Let's take a closer look at three enormous trends in the space:

1. Personalization

Personalization is a trend that is here to stay as more consumers continue to purchase through smartphones and other personal devices. More than ever, personalized experiences are attracting shoppers in ways like never before. While collecting it has become a point of debate as of late, consumer data allows companies to get to know who their customers are, what their customers like and, just as important, what their customers dislike. Perfectly timed and placed advertisements prompt shoppers to take advantage of offers that were tailor-made to fit them.

For example, virtual closets are among the newest trends where consumers recreate a digital representation of brands they already own. This allows for more accurate recommendations in the realm of personalization.

2. Fulfillment Innovations

It is no secret that customers want what they want, and they want it now. Increasing trends in impatience when it comes to delays are apparent in every corner of retail. The pandemic-driven supply disruptions and consumer demand shifts to omnichannel fulfillment led retailers to revisit their inventory strategies across channels, especially as they relate to access to customers. As retailers open up their supply chains to new fulfillment options, positive consumer experiences will also rise, as customers want access to their purchases quicker than ever.

While many retail giants already have fulfillment down to a science, other businesses continue to be at the mercy of shipping companies worldwide. This has opened the door for systems innovations in business intelligence and predictive analytics for fulfillment.

3. Omnichannel Experiences

Retailers have been busy with innovative solutions to sustain customer acquisition and appeal to a new generation of shoppers well acquainted with e-commerce. It is apparent consumers want the conveniences they got used to during Covid-19 to remain even after the pandemic subsides, necessitating efficient systems to deal with the demand.

After years of working on commerce systems for large retailers, it is increasingly clear to me that omnichannel is a key initiative for retail customer experience in 2022. Organizations need to integrate every channel and prioritize unified data so that customers can shop at any place, at any time and with a consistent experience. Buy online, pick up in store is just one example of these efforts.

Buyer demands are continuously increasing the need for advanced omnichannel personalization. During the Covid-19 pandemic, retailers acted quickly to provide seamless delivery of goods and services on a digital platform. Consumers realized, during this time, how much they enjoyed amplified conveniences ultimately driving customer experience trends. Retailers must keep up with consumer demands to enhance omnichannel experiences and secure their place in the market share of 2022.

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