What’s in Your Data and Analytics Agenda for 2022? Here is Ours.

Every year your data and analytics content leader team publishes their Key Initiative Primers.  These represent the next 12 to 18 months in terms of our expected scope and direction for research.  While not exhaustive, it should convey a general direction.  And like any consultant, we research the right to change direction should events go in different directions.

From the Executive Leader level (CxO):

  • Executive Leadership: Data and Analytics Primer for 2022
    • Organizations face greater challenges with more unknowns and often less trusted information through 2022 than ever before. Every decision the executive leader takes should be impactful, and many will need reengineering so as to drive increased impact and business value.
  • Executive Leadership: Artificial Intelligence Primer for 2022
    • Artificial intelligence is a key means to improve processes and make better decisions — and to take actions. Executive leaders can guide investments through a strategy to transform via a portfolio of strong use-case-driven projects and products that deliver value.

For the Chief Data Officer (and equivalents) and data and analytics leader and team:

    • Data and Analytics Leaders Primer for 2022
      • Data and analytics leaders, including CDOs, are critical to data-driven transformation. To succeed, they must establish collaborative work practices to make D&A part of everything the enterprise does, tap innovation at the edge and change delivery practices to include distributed teams as the norm.
    • Data and Analytics Programs and Practices Primer for 2022
      • Data and analytics leaders are required to reengineer decisions and build an intelligent composable enterprise. For this they need to continually apply best practices to help accelerate digital ambitions and build trust into their programs.
    • Analytics, BI and Data Science Solutions Primer for 2022
      • Technology markets are colliding for analytics, BI and data science solutions. End users must increasingly become self-sufficient. Success requires data and analytics leaders to provide a resilient ecosystem that supports both the individual and the community while prioritizing business impact.
    • Artificial Intelligence Primer for 2022
      • Simply adding AI to existing approaches is no longer enough. Use this initiative to understand how the AI market is scaling and operationalizing to enable sustainable, industrial-grade systems within the fabric of IT departments, businesses and society.
    • Data Management Solutions Primer for 2022
      • Data-driven organizations struggle with increasing data diversity; its producers, consumers and distributed nature; and automation demands to relieve strained resources. Data management solutions must provide agility, resilience and simplicity across the data landscape to increase business impact.

For the Technical Professionals:

Back in September we also published the CDO’s leadership deck for 2022.  This deck also looks 12-18 months out and is meant to be a desk-reference for the CDO/D&A leader.  It is not really a step by step project plan; it is mean to give you insight into the main challenges we see in 2022, some of the more notable trends in D&A, and finally some of the more useful/popular best practices.  My favorite part of the deck is in the appendix where we include all the main frameworks and models across our D&A universe for your reference:

  • Leadership Vision for 2022: Data and Analytics
    • Data and analytics leaders are building on their foundational efforts in 2021 post-COVID-19. They are helping their organizations realize their data-driven decision making aspirations.

What's in Your Data and Analytics Agenda for 2022? Here is Ours.