Conversing with AI: Prompt Engineering

Conversing with AI: Prompt Engineering

Mastering Interactions with Large Language Models

Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT-3.5 have revolutionized the way we interact with machine learning systems. Unlike traditional coding, where you write code to communicate with APIs, LLMs can understand natural language instructions and perform tasks with human-like intuition.

Photo by BoliviaInteligente on Unsplash

To harness the full potential of LLMs, we need to understand the art of “prompt engineering”. In this blog, we’ll delve into the world of prompt engineering and explore how you can fine-tune your interactions with LLMs for optimal results. Whether you’re a seasoned AI enthusiast or just curious about this fascinating technology, we’ve got you covered.

This blog is part of the series on Conversing with AI. You may read the previous article of this series here in this link.

Recap of LLM Jargon

Before we embark on our journey into prompt engineering, let’s decode some essential LLM terminology:


The text you provide to the model, serving as your input or question.


The process of generating text or results based on your prompt.


The output generated by the model, including your original prompt and the generated text.

Context Window

The memory available for your prompt, typically accommodating a few thousand words.

The Need for Prompt Engineering

LLMs don’t always yield desired results on the first attempt. To guide them in producing the outcomes you want, you must refine your prompts which requires careful crafting of the prompts you feed them. The way you frame your instructions, the context you provide, and the examples you include all play a pivotal role in prompt engineering. This iterative process is known as prompt engineering.

In-Context Learning

An effective strategy for enhancing model performance is to incorporate examples of the desired task within your prompt. This technique, called “in-context learning”, because you’re guiding the model to perform a task without the need for specific training on that task..

Imagine you want the model to classify the sentiment of a movie review as either positive or negative. By including a snippet of the review within your prompt, you’re effectively demonstrating the task to the model.


In the realm of machine learning, there exist concepts that are integral to improving model performance and usability: One-Shot and Few-Shot Inference. These terms refer to how many examples a model needs to effectively understand and perform a task.

Zero-Shot Inference

Zero-shot inference is when a model is expected to understand and perform a task without having seen any examples of the task beforehand. Larger LLMs shine at “zero-shot inference.” This means they can understand the task and provide accurate responses without explicit examples. For instance, you can ask a large LLM to classify sentiment without providing specific examples.

One-Shot and Few-Shot Inference

Smaller models, which typically have less computational power and capacity, may struggle with zero-shot inference. However, there are ways to augment the performance of these smaller models, and this is where one-shot and few-shot inference come into play.

One-shot inference, as the name suggests, is when the model gets a single example to learn from. For instance, if we’re dealing with a text classification task, you might provide the model with a single piece of text and its associated category. With this example, the model is then expected to understand the task and apply that understanding to future, unseen texts.

Take this scenario for example. You are training a model to classify emails into ‘Spam’ or ‘Not Spam’. In one-shot learning, you might provide the model with one example of a spam email, with its respective label. This single example is intended to help the model understand the characteristics of a spam email, and then correctly categorize future emails based on this.

Few-shot inference, on the other hand, involves providing the model with multiple examples to learn from. Continuing with our text classification task, in few-shot inference, you might provide the model with three pieces of text, each with their associated category. These examples should give the model a broader understanding of the task, helping it to perform better on future, unseen texts.

For instance, in a language translation task, if you want to train a model to translate English sentences to French, you might provide it with five English sentences and their respective French translations. These five examples should ideally cover different grammatical structures and vocabularies, giving the model a wider understanding of the task and enabling it to perform better on new English sentences.

Whether you choose one-shot or few-shot inference depends on the complexity of the task and the capability of the model. Both methods work by providing the model with a template of the desired task and response format, which it can then apply to future tasks. This can be extremely useful in situations where a model has difficulty understanding a task from its description alone.

Know Your Limitations

Be mindful of the context window’s limitations. If your model falters when you include multiple examples, consider fine-tuning it. Fine-tuning involves training the model on specific data to enhance its capabilities for a particular task.

Model Scale Matters

The scale of the model plays a significant role. Larger models with more parameters can handle a broader range of tasks and better understand language. They excel at zero-shot inference. Smaller models are more task-specific, typically performing well on tasks similar to their training data.

The Power of Experimentation

In the world of machine learning and artificial intelligence, the power of experimentation cannot be overstated. Selecting the right model and tinkering with various settings to affect the structure and style of the results can substantially influence the success of your project. However, it’s important to remember that there’s no one-size-fits-all solution in this domain. The optimal model and settings can differ widely depending on the specifics of your use case.

For instance, let’s consider a scenario where you’re working on a chatbot that answers customer queries. You might initially opt for a pre-trained conversational model. However, upon testing, you realize that the model isn’t quite capturing the unique tone of your brand’s communication. Here, experimentation becomes key. You might decide to adjust the model’s parameters or even retrain it on a dataset more closely aligned with your brand’s style of communication. The process of trying out different models or fine-tuning the settings could dramatically improve the chatbot’s performance and make it more suitable for your needs.

Another example could be a recommendation system for an e-commerce platform. The right model and settings could mean the difference between recommending products that are relevant and appealing to the customer, or suggesting items that don’t match their preferences. You might start with a collaborative filtering model, but find it inadequate in cases where new users or products are involved, leading to the ‘cold start’ problem. Experimenting with other models, like content-based filtering or hybrid approaches, could lead to a more robust and effective recommendation system.

In both examples, the power of experimentation is clear. By trying out different models, adjusting settings, and continually evaluating performance, you can iteratively improve the system until it meets your specific requirements. However, it’s also essential to balance this with considerations of computational resources and time, as experimentation can be resource-intensive. To this end, having a clear hypothesis and structured approach to experimentation can help make the process more efficient and fruitful.

The Bottom Line

In summary, interacting with LLMs involves mastering the art of prompt engineering. Crafting prompts effectively, understanding the role of examples, and selecting the right model and settings are essential. Experimentation and prompt engineering are the keys to achieving the desired outcomes in your interactions with LLMs.

Whether you’re building chatbots, creating content, or diving into data analysis, prompt engineering is your secret sauce for unlocking the full potential of LLMs. So, go ahead, experiment, and see what remarkable tasks you can accomplish with these language models.

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